Compelling Her to Respond

An example of a fun statement that requires addition information would be: “I just figured out what you would be if you were an animal.”

If she wants to know the answer she has to text you back. The secret is to make the statement about her personally. Nothing makes a person more curious than what someone else thinks about them.

Getting a girl you are interested in to respond to your first text uses the same method you would use to get anyone to respond, by asking a question or making a statement that calls for more information.

Though this may sound easy, it requires some thought to put into practice. Not any statement or question will do, otherwise “Hey what’s up?” would be an ideal first message.

There was this guy I met and he seemed really nice and cool and funny and he was soooooo cute with the most amazing smile ever, but i didn't like him cause i didn't know him very well. So one day, i was coming out of class, and he was there in back of me and i turned around and he kissed me unexpectedly and it was really cute and this happened on January 9, 2008, and then that same day, he kissed me again when i was coming out of school,& i felt like the luckiest girl alive, and we got to know each other very well and we became really good friends and we liked each other alot, and then one day on January 22,2008, i was coming out of 3rd period and his class is right next to mine and i guess you can say we kinda made out cause our kiss lasted about 10 seconds! and now we've forgotten about each other, and he's out there kissing his girlfriend who i guess is his true love while i'm still loving him, but luckily i stopped after 3 months. Thank God, i did, but i do & will miss him ]: - Anonymous, 12, Miami,FL