The main reason of doing do – let it be!

I am sure it concerns you, too, my reader.

If you start to behave oddly and to be excessively nervous, you will spoil everything even before you get a chance in relations with this woman.

Here is what you shouldn’t ever do: do not even try to treat a woman, whom you’ve just met, like the love of your whole life.

On the contrary, use the opposite approach to the matter.

My favorite approach is to imagine, that a girl has something that would make me upset, bother me, in other words, reduces her chances of serious relations with me.
The main reason of doing do – let it be!

I loved my first kiss. Not because it was really romantic or because it was planned or anything, but because it was with someone i really love;my boyfriend Chris who is the smartest, hottest, sweetest guy on the face of the planet. Because it was with him, it was perfect. It was four days ago, on monday.

I had known that he was gonna kiss me soon for a while but i didn't know when. So we were hanging out in front of the history room on the third floor of my school on monday at lunch. We were just talkin and then i looked at my cell-phone and I'm all "well i gotta go to class now" and i hugged him and started walking away.

But there was no one in the hallway so he's like "wait come back" and he pulls me back gently by my arm and twirls me around to face him. Then he starts kissing me, tounge and all. The kiss lasted for a minute and 30 seconds or something. We kiss like that everyday now and I love him more than anything in the world. Everybody, people say that their first kisses sucked all the time, and i dont know about them, but if you want a perfect kiss, just wait to kiss someone that you really like. It makes it so much better and you will remember it forever. - yellowsoccergirl, 13 SC, Cali

Hey, my first kiss happened 2 days ago!!

It was on December 9, 2008. It was my birthday and I was meeting my bf at this italian place for my b-day his name is Trevor. He is so cute! He said he was giving me a 'suprize'. I had picked this really cute.
Black velvet dress and I saw his dad drop him off, and he came up to me and took my hand and said, " after you, Leynissa." we walked in and got food and when wew l left, it was raining, and he leaned in to kiss me on the lips, his hands at my waist. His warm lips tasted like milk. We are still dating TODAY. I will never forget it. - Lynessa, 11, CA

I just had my first kiss today, March 9th, 2009. The guy is my first boyfriend and we've been dating for over a year now. We were running errands for the band teacher after school and we sat down behind the coats the band wears at football games. We were just talking. I showed him my violin and next thing I know I'm kising him. It was very romantic until the band teacher called for us. I'm definitly gonna kiss him again. - Sharon, 15, Pennsylvania