Doing it for kicks

Doing it for kicks

This biological underdog advantage observed in apes and monkeys, while philosophically and biologically neat, offers little consolation to men who are genuinely concerned about their own (); men who as a result of these concerns experience difficulties in their relationships and daily lives.

After all, partnered s is more often than not a recreational activity these days, at least in our part of the world.

Shouldn’t we aim to treat the concerns of men rather than focusing efforts on increasing values on readily measurable objective parameters such as ()latency time?
A cynic would point out it may actually be the dissatisfaction of the man’s s partner that requires treatment: if s|partners of men would universally prefer them to e() as quickly as possible, would we still consider quickly occurring e() a dysfunction?

Illnesses with diagnostic criteria that ultimately depend on some other person’s preferences, even if it is only partly (e.g. you only have a diagnosable cold if you carry a virus and sneeze often enough for me to find you bothersome), are scarce in the m() handbooks.

Nonetheless, many men are troubled by their EF, and that’s presumably because one of their favorite leisure-time activities is at risk of being ruined, or at least accompanied with anxiety and general unrest in the build-up.

A number of clinical conditions and disease entities can render a man infertile:
Infections like acute: smallpox, mumps, other viral infections
b. chronic: TB, leprosy, prostatitis
S. transmitted diseases

a. direct : testicular or pelvic trauma, heat, irradiation
Undescended testes (cryptorchidism)
Previous surgery : inguinal, scrotal, retroperitoneal, bladder neck, vasectomy
Obstructions : congenital (aplasia), vasectomy, post-infective
Systemic illnesses esp. hepatic, renal
Immunologic : infection, obstruction
Genetic, endocrine & familial disorders: Klinefelter's syndrome, Young's syndrome, cystic fibrosis, adrenal hyperplasia

Sometimes, in spite of the most meticulous search, no obvious cause can be found for the infertility. This group, known as the idiopathic infertility group, constitutes a large percentage.

Common tests to confirm male infertility & Semen Analysis - The first test in the e() of the infertile male is the semen a(). This basic test gives valuable information.