A first long-awaited date with a guy completely depends on his nationality, appearance and character. If you spend some time learning psychology of men, you will find out many interesting facts. Who is your partner in life?
My first kiss happend two days ago. We are both 12 and have been going out for about 3 weeks and 1 day. Me and my boyfriend were going out to eat and then to a movie.
After we got into the theater we started to hold hands(this was also the first time we held hands). He kept asking me if i was confortable and staring at me. I smiled back alot. Then he scted closer so i saw it coming. The he slowly leaned over and said I love you. Then he kissed me. It only lasted about 3 seconds but was magical. When it was over we both smiled and walked out of the theater. We hugged goodbye and that was my first kiss. - anonymous
It was Febuary 14th, 2008, I was 14 when I finally got my first kiss.
Ironic enough.
My boyfriend and I had been going out for 12 days and we were both looking forward to our first kiss together.
We'd always say that we would kiss, but I guess we were both too nervous.
I had liked this guy for a little under than a year, but never went out with him because he liked someone else.
So it wasn't till Febuary 2nd that we finally became girlfriend and boyfriend.
Anyway, on Valentine's Day morning my boyfrien had given me a silver ring with a zirconia on it and a letter to go with it too.
After we exchanged our gifts we both knew our first kiss together was going to be today, we just didn't know when.
The bell for the end of recess went, and my boyfriend and I were hand in hand, walking. We both stopped and looked at each other, and without hesitating we both leaned in and kissed. It wasn't French, but it was an open mouth kiss.
I think I was more excited than he was considering he had already had his first kiss the year before. So I was very happy my first kiss wasn't a mistake and I got to share it with a person I really liked.
It's the beginning of 2009 and we have both gone our seperate ways, but I don't think I will ever forget my first kiss. - anonymous
As I am writing this it is the day after my first kiss, so I remember it fairly well, I'm mormon and not technically supposed to have a girlfriend, yet I have had two, one who was never very affectionate and we had lots of issues, we broke up recently (we are both in 9th grade) and i'm also in band, she broke up with me the day before the state game, I realize I should have waited longer, but I dont think I liked her as much as I thought.
Anyways, at the state championship game, I met a college freshmen (yes, 4 years older then me) and we admited we liked eachother on the long bus ride back and kinda snugled, afterward she said she wished I kissed her, I promised I would next time I saw her.
We went on our first date yesterday (we went two a movie, actually we ended up going to two) and about halfway through the movie my date actaully fell on the ground (because she had her feet up on her friends next to her and her head in my lap) when she got back up she kinda leaned on me and put her head back, so we where a few iches from eachothers faces, we both kinda leaned in and kissed for a second.
She got back to her own seat and wispered in my ear "you suck at kissing"
The rest of the night she gave me lessons and I got a little better - Robby, 14, Austin, Texas