How To Approach Women

Approach, don’t wait for women to hit on you. There are some guys out there who suggest that you don’t need to open women. That you can somehow do something that will make women open you. These people are full of $hit. I probably get opened once a night, but I sure as hell don’t wait around all day for someone to talk to me. Unless you’re particularly good looking, or a DJ or something, waiting for women to approach you is a losing strategy.

The Direct Approach – This strategy is where you basically put your cards on the table and show you’re into a woman from the beginning. The advantage of this technique is that women give you “bonus points” for being ballsy, and done properly, with excellent body language, you can really sweep a woman off her feet with a good direct approach.

There are two main strategies you can use as you learn how to approach women, each with it’s own strengths and weaknesses.