If you want to understand if she’s succeeded, just look at your friends’ faces when you tell them that you would come together with her. If there is no bewilderment, then she’s succeeded.
French gives you some new and original French kissing method to further boost your hot kissing knowledge. As we already said, French kissing cannot be explained by a single tongue kissing technique or method. It’s an art, the art of hot kissing.
How to tongue kiss - Original French Kissing Methods. You'll only be able to improve from here on out. After that we may, from time to time add an original and new hot kissing method.so i was really upset one day because my ex boyfriend wanted to get back together but he really hurt me(we did kiss but this is way better).
I went down to the beach near my house and i was crying because of the way i felt then and what i was going to do now.......and then my mom texted me and said my best friend that is a boy (i always thought he was cute) was coming down so i tired to stop crying(it was to late) he came to sit next to me he didn't ask any questions and he pulled me closer to him and just let me cry on him.....i stopped crying after a Lil bit and then he made me look at him (not in a mean way) and he softly kissed me and said "he doesn't deserve you" so i was guessing my mom told him.....after he said that i started crying again and then he kissed me again that was the not only the best kiss but moment i have had in my life and i have kissed him everyday from then on. - Morgan, 16, N.Y.
Here's my first kiss story: So my boyfriend and I set up a group date at this skating rink, and we were both extremely excited. I had told him earlier that my best friend had her first kiss, and she cut her boyfriend with her braces (lol). My boyfriend was standing outside the wall that separates the rink from the tables and stuff, and I rolled up in front of him while I was on the skating floor.
At first, we just stood there looking around (our heads were only a few inches apart). Then, suddenly, he said, "Don't cut me, " and we both leaned in for a kiss. I was expecting for just a peck, but he had put his lips around my upper lip. The way his lip felt inbetween mine was just amazing.
It lasted for about two seconds. After we had pulled back, we just stared at eachother and then he said, I love you." I said, "I love you," back. Most "first kiss" stories that I've heard are usually awkward or uncomfortable. Mine was far from it. It was wonderful; I'll never forget it, even though he and I are now broken up. - Victoria, 14, Wisconsin
I remember it , it was 2 days ago. May 24 , 2:52 am. The guy I like came to my house at like 1:00am ! So sweet , we walked around && he asked me can he hold my hands <3 I was so nervous , I never held or kiss a guy before !
I felt like such a dork xD . Then it was getting late &&he walked me to my house && he said , I want to kiss you. I said , sure , then I started asking him " do I stand or do I lean in or do I ...what do I do ?!" Oh man , am I a dork. Then he said just look in my eyes , then he went in for it. The whole thing was the sweetest thing ever. I'll never forget. Now all I want to do is smack myself for how dorky I was x] I can honestly say that I'm in love. He told me I wish there was a moon , so he could dance under the moon with me. && said he's gonna buy a star for me <33 I'm not afraid anymore. I let my guard down. - anonymous, 14 , Tennessee