Sweet heart


Sweet heart, do you know that I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi to me even if it is just a second whenever I crossed your mind? Two souls but a single thought, two hearts that beat in unison, nothing like distance when there is love because the cord of love between us will continue waxing stronger and stronger. Love you yesterday more than today and less than tomorrow!
Your loving husband - ML

Some times I am alone but never lonely. That is what I have come to realize, I’ve learned to love the quiet moments, the Sunday mornings of life, where I can reach deep down inside or out into the universe. I can laugh until I cry, or I can cry away the hurt. Just to say you are mine forever!


You are a memory I do not want to erase because you are like a dreams come true from out of the right. When I first saw you eyes to eyes, I knew right then and there that I would be right in your heart. Just when I thought I was out of love dear you stepped right into my life. Shall we be lover or just best of friend or will the story just continue?
Know your way with women and you will be able to win that dream woman who seems so impossible to win. Here is how to go.