The Two Part Kiss Opener

In practice, the best way to learn how to approach women is by using the Indirect Approach early in the evening, and chatting up a bunch of different groups of people, even ones where you’re not really into the girls.

This generates social proof and the other women in the bar start to notice that you seem to be mister popular (and they notice these things!), and become more attracted to you. Later on in the evening, around midnight, I start using the Direct Approach a lot more, since many of the women in the bar will have noticed me already, and Direct Approach works a lot better late in the evening when people are getting a bit more drunk and wild.

The most important part of any opener is your body language. If you’re poised, relax and smooth when you open, you can open with anything. You can check out Cajun on Keys to the VIP if you want to see what good bodylanguage looks like in action.
My first kiss was like in march of 07 i remember too it was at my cousin gina's slumber/birthday party. it was her my other cousin sherry and me. she invited about six other guys over, she called them the party boys i dont know why but she did anyway gina hooked up with some guy as did sherry and after they had there moments i didnt think nothing would happen to me so i just stood talking to the other two guys that were around me and i noticed that one of the guys named pedro was watching me so i went to sit down on the wall and he went to sit with me and we just started flirting with each other and like out of nowhere i feel his arm around me. i had just looked at him and smiled and not even a minute later he turned me to face him again and asked if it was okay if he kissed me and of course i said it was then we kissed.....i felt a little akward thougth cause i had no idea what the hell i was doing. but of course since then ive had my share of guys to know that he was kinda a bad kisser since he did nothing but put his tounge in my mouth and just move it from side to side and thats it.....well theres my story!! - Lea, 15, usa

The Direct Approach,,,,,

The disadvantages of the direct approach is that the girl has to decide up-front, based almost purely on your bodylanguage and looks, whether she likes you and wants to be receptive to your approach. It also can be awkward when there are friends around, and beautiful women are almost always with friends.
The Indirect Approach – The Indirect Approach is when you start up an “innocent” conversation with a woman, make her laugh a bit and basically act like you’re not that into her for the first few minutes. Basically what you’re doing here is baiting her to start hitting on you.

In practice, I usually use the Direct Approach when I think a girl already likes me. If I notice her check me out, or if a woman is just kind of lingering near me for a bit, I’ll immediately go direct and open with “You’re cute, what’s your name” or something similar. I also go direct when I’m on the dancefloor, and I’ll use it more often later in the night.

My first kiss was with someone called derrick. I am 11, I joined a secondryy school near me. My next door neighbour knew this lad calld ste; in her yr [[ 11 ]] and me and ste were friends. Then i got his msn addy and one night he went can my friend add you. But after 3 dayys he askedd me out considering he is like 14 and i am 11 i took 20min thinking time and said yes. Then 5 day after we went to loch park; with ste and my best mate, we stopped walking, and derrick looked at me, then just kissed me. I couldnt believe it, considering ste and my mate just stood there looking at us. Then we were just kissing all time. But then we went to loch park again this week; we ended up getting off [[ french kissing ]] I was so shocked; thought he wouldnt eva do that. Anyway we still together;; And wil be 4evaa---x - anonymous

There are a couple advantages to the indirect approach. The main one is that it gives you an opportunity to display some wit and charm before she decides whether she likes you, unlike direct game where she has to decided right away. The other big advantage is that you can win over her friends a lot easier using indirect game, and winning over her friends makes your job MUCH easier.

How to pick up beautiful women?

So you want to learn how to pick up women, and you’re looking for free advice. Perhaps you’ve been surfing around to various websites, and seen a lot of people marketing products that seem to good to be true, or offer to provide some sort of magic pill that will make women come to you. But you’re smarter than that. Good for you.
Picking up doesn’t have to be terribly hard, but it requires practice and effort. You will need to get off your seat and stop making excuses. You need to be willing to risk failure, and you need to be prepared to look at yourself with a critical eye, and make changes. If you can do these things, you can go a long way.
OMG!My first kiss happened about 2 weeks ago. My GF,Chelsie,is the prettiest and smartest girl I have ever met in my life. Anyway,we were at my house watching a horror movie in my room. My parents were in the kitchen downstairs. Chelsie said that she was really scared. So i put my arm around her. And she just looked at me for a while, so i looked at her. So i "went in for the kill". I kept getting closer and closer. I closed my eyes and kissed her right on the lips,closed mouth. She was kinda stunned,but she was happy.

Then about 2 seconds later we kissed again,kinda making out,it lasted for what seemed FOREVER.But it was only really like 1 minute. We didn't really talk about until last week. She's like:"You know when you kissed me". I said "Yea". She said "Well i really liked that". And somehow,i have no idea how, we kissed again....I know how poeple think that boys "Are to immature to kiss". Well,i was mature about it! I LOVED MY FIRST KISS! - Shawn, 12, Ohio

When you are talking to her

When you are talking to her, actually listen and use whatever she gives you to keep the conversation going.

A lot of men do not realize how EASY it can be to get a really long conversation started with a woman, one of those conversations that she will remember and it starts by listening to what she has to say. Women will feed you little tidbits all of the time and as long as you are paying attention and using those tidbits to take the conversation further or even in another direction, you will probably never run out of things to say.

The guy I kissed is named Kannon, and he was like forbidden fruit. He's 19 and I'm 15, so no one understands...we tried not to fall in love, but it wasn't something we could control. He is more experienced than I am, but he regrets every mistake he has made. We even fell in love before he kissed me, because he respects me THAT much that he was okay with waiting until I was ready : ). So, I called him to come over to my house while my mom was at work. We were cuddling and listening to love songs, and then i softly touched his lips with my tongue...he started doing the same.
Then, at the same time, we just locked lips, open mouthed, and full of passion. We stopped to take a breath, and I said "Wow...we just really kissed!!!" and he replied, "Are you okay with that? ...I don't want to push anything." I assured him that was how I wanted my first kiss to be...with the guy I love. He told me that kissing me was better than any sex he's ever had...that means a lot. And, we've agreed to not have sex until marriage :D - Azalia, 15, OR

When you approach a woman

When you approach a woman, just talk to her as if you really have something to say.

This is much easier than trying to pull off a line, it comes out more natural and it will catch her ‘off guard,’ which is a good thing. Let’s say you are in a store and you see a really good looking woman that you want to approach. If you were to walk up to her with some goofy line, chances are, she is going to not even give you the time of day. That’s the reality of it.

However, if you approach her and open the conversation with a more real opener, chances are… she won’t even think that you are trying to pick her up, and she will be more than open to talk to you. Make a little observation of what she is looking at. You can even inject a little humor into it and it will go over even better.
This fall I finally moved out of my house and transfered to a university. I roomed up with a friend from high school and throught my friend I met Mary. I eventaully asked this girl out and we both fit togather well. We had been "offical" a couple weeks but I hadn't kissed her yet. Trouble was I had never kissed a girl so I was extremely afraid. On a Sunday night when I returned to school from work we were hanging out and I was tickling her. Eventually she attempted to pin my hands down. We were both facing each other and I was still trying to tickle her but I could tell she didnt want to let go of me, not becasue of the tickling but because of something else. She was looking at me really differently, with no expression, but her eyes were saying everything. Finally I strummed up enough courage to make a move.

I stared at her for a moment and then slowly moved in. She did the same and closed her eyes. Before I reached her lips I shut my eyes and then felt her lips. I held my lips on heres and very lightly opened my mouth a bit and kissed her again. I moved back and we looked at each other. I told her that was fun and she said "It's pretty fun." I stared off in amazement of how wonderful that was and then I leaned in and kissed her again, this time staying there a little longer, and got a feel of things. We didnt make out that night but I didnt wait long to. Now all we do is kiss. - Tony, 21, Oklahoma

How to pick up women without...

Why do most men shun the idea of learning how to pick up women? Or, why do they read stuff about learning how to pick up women and never put any of those ideas or techniques to good use? Most of the time it has to do with the reality that most guys are not really out there to become a pick up artist. If you want to get better with women, if you want to get more opportunities to date women, but you do not want to go and ‘pick up’ any women, keep reading.

My first kiss was when i was 13, it was kind of embarrassing && was me, my b/f, && one of our friends Brittney just hanging out after skool one day[[it was the first time we've ever hung out when we were going out]] && Brittney was trying to make us kiss so it was really she locked us in my room, we just sat in there for like an hour talking alittle bit every once && a while, he said he wanted to kiss me but he was to scared. So finally we agreed to do it, the first time we went in we both turned our heads the same way so it was weird, but the second time it was all fine, but he went to give me tongue && ii just went for a peck since it was my first kiss, so it was really weird, but the third time it was just fine...but still awkward. - Amber, 14, MN

Truth is, the best way to pick up women or get dates with women… is to not even look like that is what you are trying to do. See, when most men try their hand at the pick up game… they find that it just does not come out right, they feel weird about it, or they get negative reactions. However, making just a few little tweaks here and there, you can start attracting women very easily and get dates without having to use any obvious routines.

What should do to pick up women from bars?

Also when you're picking up woman from bars you'll have to at least look confident as well as look like you're having a good time. The bar is a place of enjoyment where you have to look like you're enjoying it and not just hunting for prey. And when you do look like you're enjoying yourself, woman tend to notice that.
If you're into dancing you can go out on the dance floor and dance for a bit. The women that are dancing around are likely to start dancing with you.

And while you're dancing that’s a great time to start talking to her. You can ask her things like what her name is, and all that good stuff. And if she seems like she likes you then take her off the dance floor and to a table or some place that is quieter than that.
Remember that you aren't the one buying the drinks so don't be tempted to. You're just there to be talking to her.

It might be about the both of you like where you live, if you live out of town or some different sections of town, it can really be anything. And as soon as you're a bit more aware of what's going on you should tell her to go outside and just go get some fresh air.
And while you're outside you should talk about yourselves and the things that you do. If you are both outside and seem as if you're having a good vibe going then you can now make a move and ask her if she wants to leave the place. And if she has friends that are waiting for her and she can't then you should make it a group thing if you've brought friends as well. See how friends come in here too? And if you're alone then get her number or facebook and then save it for another night. Just remember that if she likes you she's more than likely going to want to hang out with you another time.
My BF and I have always been bffs forever, i no its dorky but thats what we say, and i was like totally in love with him. Well, one day he invited me over and i thought that all of my friends would be over to go and watch movies, like it always is, but then when i got there he was alone and he asked me out. I said yes and it was on and off for 3 years but the entire time, i never stopped loving him. We mainly broke up because he couldnt go out anywhere with me without inviting at least 2 other friends. Well finally i told him i wanted it to be just us, so late at night out on his old swing set, we were talking and all of the sudden, his swing broke. He didnt care because he knew it was going to break cause it was so old and dirty but i immediantly kneeled down and asked if he was ok. we ended laying down on the top of the picnic bench in his back yard watching stars and talking. Finally, he turned and stared into my eyes, after i had emailed him a link to your site, and gave me a really good kiss on the lips. I ended up sleeping over, we slept in his little brothers bunkbed, and had a great night, and no not in the sexual way. 13 years old, Allison, Oklahoma. - anonymous

Where Should You Go and Get The Chicks?

As soon as you've gotten the idea of how the place looks like and where to go for chicks you have to start enjoying the moment. My personal suggestion is that you should go to the bar along with some friends. I went to the bar once and I felt alone and it was awkward as well. The reason why you want to invite a friend is because you want to have someone to talk to when you don't have anything to do. Not only are friends good company, but they can also help you get the chicks to leave with you better than just going there by yourself.

Friends will help you get the chicks that have friends too. They are simply good when you're looking out for woman. That is why you'll notice the true pick up artists take "wing men" along with them when they go out to pick up woman. Even though I'm not a pick up artist myself I still know that friends can make good company and help you be successful at this whole thing.

My first kiss was incredibly cute. It was last year, in spring 2007, during this 8th grade "Spring Fling" the middle school threw for 8th graders and their dates only. I went with my boyfriend (at the time) who happened to also be my best guy friend (at the time). The entire night, he offered to dance, but I was way shy about dancing. The only times we did dance were during the Muse songs I requested. But after a while, I grew slightly impatient. I knew he wasn't "the one", but I really liked him and he honestly earned a respect in my heart for my first kiss. So, after some time, he figured out why I was constantly gazing at him. At first, he gave me a kiss on the cheek. But of course, I wanted a real kiss - not a french kiss or a long kiss, but a just a cute kiss on the lips. Eventually, after encouragement from a friend and his girlfriend, he took off his hat, placed it to the sides of our faces (how adorable; to hide it from the chaperones) and we just...kissed.

It was a very simple peck. No more, no less. However, this peck was enough to render me blind for a second after I opened my eyes. I could feel a burst of fireworks shoot through my toes to my arms and into my temples. It was an amazing feeling. Afterwards, we never kissed again much to my chagrin. Though, it was still a memorable kiss with a feeling that I still dream about today. - anonymous

Here is how you do it...

You see, when you go to the bar one of the things to keep in mind is woman that have had their eyes on you since the minute you walked in. They can be anything to you including ugly, average, cute, hot or anything you can imagine but the fact is that there are woman who might like the way you look.
Is this a shock to you? It shouldn't really be because you've noticed plenty of women that have walked in the bar and they might not notice you doing it. Are you starting to feel a bit more confident now? Also when you sit at the bar and see those cute chicks that you want to talk to you shouldn't do it in places where they serve alcohol. You don't want to feel as if you have to buy her alcohol even though it might seem as the right thing to do, at least not the first time. Instead you can talk to her some other place like the pool room, the dance floor, a table they might be sitting at, etc. You might even have to walk around the place just to get a feel for it.
Hey My name is Hayley... I am 15 years old I live in Kansas... Well my boyfriend came over today Wednesday, February 6th , 2008! Well we were laying on the couch cuddling and talking and stuff and I knew he really wanted to kiss me but I was to afraid lol he really wanted to see my face but I kept showing it for like a second and then hiding it lol I hide my shyness by that lol... every time I would look at him he would try to kiss me but I hid my face again.... anyways we were cuddling and talking and he was kissing me on the neck lol... and holding my hand and then I finally looked at him and we kissed then I hid my face again but then I would look at him again and we would do it again we did that about 10 times lol. Then my 2 year old cousin came over because I said that I would babysit her... so she was over and stuff and we were messing with her lol! We finally laid on the floor and were cuddling but like 2 hours later he had to go see a movie with his friends so we didnt want my little cousin to see so we tried to tell her something so she would look the other way lol so when she did he pulled the blanket over us and we kissed lol... then I wanted one more so he took my hand to help me stand up and I gave him a hug and kissed him one more time before he left.. he didn't want to leave but he also didn't want to blow off his friends so we are gonna do that more when we hang out like every day lol.... anyways me and my boyfriend we actually met 2 years ago we didn't we didn't know it but we liked each other since that day lol but we didn't talk until this year lol.... and we have actually been together for almost 2 months it will be 2 months on the 19th so it is going great we are in love and we will be together for a long time I hope and pray well anyways that is my first kiss story wooo!!! LOL!!! - Hayley, 15, Kansas

Do you know?

Do you know why most men failed to understand how to pick up women? Lets analyze this situation here. Men that are buying drinks for woman are sending a bad message in most cases. I don't know how to talk to them so I need to buy some drinks as an ice breaker so I can feel validated too. And little do they know, there are some chicks that go to the bar just to get free drinks from men like that. Are they going to go home with them at the end of the night? Not likely.
The whole thing about learning how to pick up woman doesn't have to include you buying a drink as soon as you want to talk to one. I've picked up woman from the bar and either that night or a few days later I've managed to end up sleeping with them without having to buy any alcohol whatsoever.
I was 16 when i got my first kiss! it was November 22, 2007 Me and my boyfriend had been going out for a month to the day, i'm still not sure if that was planned or not.. anyhow, it was Thanksgiving day, and both of us had dinners we attended. Then, we made plans for him to come pick me up and we were going to go down to the plaza and watch the Christmas Lights be turned on. (We're from Kansas City, and this is a huge event that happens every year) So, he came an picked me up really early, the lights came on at 7:30p.m. So we were down and it was cold, we were walking and just looking around.

We still had about an hour to kill, before the band even came on, so we went back to his car, where it was warmer and just sat in the back seat... he was tickling me and we were just talking, when he leaned over after a few minutes of silence, and he kissed me! i had my mouth closed at first, but then we started frenching. And we stopped after probably a minute, then he kissed me more throughout the night! it was an amazing first kiss!! We are still going out, and today is our 4 month anniversary! - Tara, 16, Kansas City

Women love to be.....

If you can make a lady laugh, you are onto a winner. Women love to be around men that are funny and adventurous. Work on your sense of humor by examinating standup comedy.
Intelligence is another characteristic what ladies find charming in men. You’ll be well in front in the game if you be aware of a lot about many topics. Read papers, books and stay up to date with the latest news.
Lastly there is self-confidence, that is possibly one of the most crucial of all the qualities if you wish to pick up women and it’s what women find alluring in men.
Women are downright masters when it comes to interpretating body language, furthermore will recognize a guy who is not self-confident a mile off. You see, how you think on the inside mirrors on the exterior. Feeble self-confidence will show in a man. No matter whether you want to appeal to more women, have more dates, or enhance your self-confidence, pheromones can provide you the advantage. You will want excellent value for your money, true results and an unfair gain to.....

Your pheromones must match your bodies’ chemistry to produce you the sexual charm you want.

I was at my friends house over a long weekend because my mom had a buisness meeting in Paris. While she was away, I stayed at Kaitlyn's place. I had always told her that her brother was hot, but she never belieeved me. He and I are the same age by the way. Anyway, while Kaitlyn was out with her mom getting some chinese take-out, her brother walks into the lving room and sits down next to me. We were talking when he admits to me that he really likes me. Before I knew it we were kissing and it felt great, until Kaitlyn walked in and screamed at him....that was a little bit odd, but other then that, he was really good. We are now going steady. - Ashley, 14, NJ

Dress in the latest fashion to pick up Women

So you want to know how to pick up women right? Well, each woman has their own list of qualities that attracts them to particular types of guys. Several top qualities girls find charismatic are, excitement, fashion, status, sense of humor, intelligence and self-confidence. Let’s go through these qualities in more detail.

First of all women are regularly drawn towards guys who are exiting, in simple terms because life can become tedious at times! If you’re dating a woman amaze her on the odd occasion with secret weekends away. Be spontaneous and unpredictable. Prepare dates that are out of the run of the mill, and you will be on your way to knowing what ladies find charming.
Generally guys fail when it comes to how to pick up women and especially the next quality: style. Try and show off the latest fashions, get a few nice suits or casual garments in your wardrobe, and all the time look clean and tidy. Men’s magazines will show you the clothing what ladies find eye-catching.

My and my best friend were bored one summer day and decided lets bike to our school for the fun of it. were 12 and we live in a small town(the summer after grade 6). we biked over and we got there. so we really liked these two girls, i liked one he liked the other. and the one he liked, liked him. and the one i liked, liked me. we all knew this. so by coincidence they are there when we arrive. we decide to play some games with them. we got to a game were they had to chase us and tag us to win. so me and my best friend ran like crazy and split up. i ran to the other side of the field. i slowed down not knowing she was behind me. she kind of tackled tripped me. as i tried to roll away, she pinned my shoulders down. we were looking at eachother. then we slowly came towrds eachother and kissed for like a minute or two. it was amazing! then we kissed again this time less nervous. we made out for like 10 minutes. after that we kind of just lay there and looked at the clouds. after a while we all came back to meet in the field center. all i said to matt was she got me. he got a broad grin on his face and i could tell he got a kiss too. after we went to his house and we had a sleepover. somehow the girls got to stay for the sleepover too. we kissed a lot during the movie. IT WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!! - josh, canada

When going to pick up women ind your surroundings

When going to pick up women ind your surroundings.

If she is with a friend, you must engage her friend as well. Be it a girlfriend, male friend or even a boyfriend/husband. I am not saying that you can or should steal another man’s girl, but only that you should come out gracefully from every encounter. If she is married, she ceases to be your interest, but if she and her partner like you, it is likely that another girl somewhere near will not be inaccessible after a scandalous encounter with a couple.

I am saying only that you should be prepared. Before I continue, I should point some other things that you should or should not do when trying to pick up women. Never stare. When you see your target and she sees you, slowly break eye contact. Not too fast so you don’t come out scared or shy or creepy. In the following second or two you should stop looking at her, try talking to your friends or whatever. Appear busy. In the next few seconds you should go to her in full confidence. Never lean to her. Let her come to you. And don’t touch her, unless you want to save her from falling or something.
My first kiss was 3 days ago. I'd fancied this guy for ages, so I suddenly decided to text him and ask him out on a date. We went to the cinema, and all the way through the film, I was looking at him, hoping he'd kiss me, but he didn't. I thought he didn't really like me and that's why he didn't kiss me, but afterwards, we were standing in the street saying goodbye, and he said " you... erm....want to...erm...kiss me?".
I thought it was so cute that he was so nervous, and I was so happy. I didn't reply, just leaned in and kissed him. It wasn't a big kiss, just a few little closed-mouth kisses, but it felt so good. Every time I think about it, I get butterflies in my stomach. I'm incredibly happy, and going on a second date with him tomorrow! - Anonymous, 15, UK

To Pick Up Women

To Pick Up Women
There are many ways but only one that is right. That one way is different in every situation and every woman responds somewhat differently. It sounds very difficult and almost impossible to do it right. Fortunately, there are some principles that need to be followed.
Never pick up women from behind.You should never surprise women in a scary way, and coming from behind will do that to them. She must see you before you come to her. It is important that she has a certain degree of anticipation. Don’t wait too long, though. If you are reluctant, it is a bad sign and it will diminish your chances. It is well known that there are no ultimate phrases or any word combinations that will guarantee you success with to pick up women. It is not in the meaning of the words, but in the way you say it.
It has to relate to something that she is doing, or what you are doing and she observed your action. She has to feel that you are not openly coming on to her.
I was 16 and had been best friends with this guy named Ryan for almost 8 years. I always got so sad when he got a new girlfriend because i wanted to be his girlfriend. Well, a week after he broke up with the most annoying selfish brat of a girlfriend he could ever have, i had a bunch of friends come over to spend the night. Ryan decided to come because he had no other plans, which made me truly happy. Later that night he said that he wasn't going to be able to stay the night and that he had to call his dad to come get him. I prayed and prayed that something would happen to make him stay. I was shocked when he came back in the room and said that the police were searching for someone around his neighborhood and his dad wanted him to stay at my place. So, after everyong else fell asleep watching movies Ryan and I were still awake talking in a whisper like we were meeting eachother for the first time. I admitted to him that I had liked him for years and he did the same. Suddenly without warning he was holding me in his arms and slowly our lips touched in the most romantic way ever. It felt like we had been kissing for hours but in reality it wasn't even a minute.

It felt as though time had stopped. My mouth felt like it was on fire. when we stopped we just looked at eachother and smiled and we started to kiss again. The next morning he admitted that I was the first person he had ever kissed that he wasn't dating and that's when he did the most romantic thing ever. He got down on one knee and asked me, "Jill will you please be mine?" I almost fainted right then and there, but i didn't. From that day forward I was Ryan's girlfriend and I've been happy ever since - Jillian, 17, California

Winning a Woman's Heart

Winning a Woman's Heart

Have you ever really liked a woman and wanted to win her heart. There are several things you should keep in mind and know in order for this to happen. For me it took a while to learn and get these things right. When you do this you will see the difference.

First and foremost you need to be yourself. There is nothing worse for a women then later finding out that all those wonderful things you told her are not true. Now she does not trust you and probable will not be able to trust you again.

Romance can go a long way in a relationship. If you want to make this current relationship more than just casual, put some romance into the picture. Women like this way better than anything that is quick and will die out. We all want a relationship that will last and not just a one night stand.

Listening is a very important trait for a man to have in a relationship. Women will really appreciate and know that you are into her if you listen to her well. This has not only helped me win my women’s heart but has benefitted me well in the business world with talking to people.

One last thing to win a woman’s heart is to be confident. Confidence can go a long way in how a woman will perceive you. Not only confident with yourself, which is good on its own, but also be confident about the relationship and its integrity.

When you try these new things you will truly see yourself at your best and so will she. Her heart can open for love.
One thing which women value much is their hair. Tell her her hair looks beautiful/stunning. This is sure to earn you a smile!Always notice when she has done a different style. Hair is the most valued asset to women. Also complement her clothes. If she looks stunning tell her so. Another thing to watch out for is her smooth skin, tell her you love it. Every woman usually needs compliments to survive.

What is a French Kiss- French Kiss Synonyms

What is a French Kiss
French Kiss Synonyms

Now you can better understand why some synonyms of French Kiss are:
Deep kiss, passionate kiss, erotic kiss, romantic kiss, hot kiss, sexual kiss, pass secrets or, the most poetic one, soul kissing.

Others, more factually descriptive but missing the ’emotional dimension’, are:
Mouth wrestling, suck face, throw the tongue, tongue kissing, tongue wrestling, wet kissing.

Now, let’s enquire about the etymology of the word French Kiss.

French Kiss Etymology
The specific origin of the word ’French Kiss’ is unknown. But it dates from at least the 1920s.
Some say the French Kiss was originally known as "maraichinage" to describe the prolonged deep tongue kiss practiced by the Marichins, inhabitants of Brittany, France.
It is, however, certainly derived from the idea that the French people are sexually liberated or even promiscuous. Similar phrases include, "pardon my French," the French way (i.e., oral sex), French postcards (pornographic pictures), French pox (syphilis; ironically in France it is sometimes called the "English disease"), and French letter (a condom). "
Do you want to be happy with a woman? Do you want to live in peace and harmony with your chosen one? Do you want to get a pleasant lady to come to your place? Just take for granted the fact that women LOVE WITH THEIR EARS.

"I love you babe"

Alright so last year, my 7th grade year, I was dating a boy named Blake. He was just about the same size as me and he was the perfect kissing level :). Anyways, it was October the 29th when we kissed. We were walking outside of school like any other day then he hugs me and pulls me and kisses me, it was just a peck though nothing major. -- this wasn't my REAL first kiss though. My real first kiss was just the other day(Tuesday, September 15th).

I am now dating a boy named Jordan. He's about 5'3 or so and i'm only 4'11 haha :P. So after school I walked up to him at his locker and we're just talking. Then he hugs me and I stood on my tippy-toes because I was pretty sure he was gonna kiss me(; He's not the patient kind of guy haha.

He hugs me realllyyy tight, pulls me away some, pulls my face back in. Then before you know it, we kissed. And no way was it a peck, It wasn't a closed kiss either! IT was open mouth. Then He pulls back and goes "i love you babe" (: It was AMAZING!!! I LOVE YOU JORDAN!!! - Ashlee, 13, KY
hi im cherise and my first kiss happened about three weeks ago august 13 2009. I really liked this guy and he always told me he wanted to kiss me but we never really had the chance to do it.

So one day when my mom wasnt home we saw each other and we were talking a little i wasnt really looking for him to kiss me but he was like "cant you hug me" and i was like "u should hug me" and he grabbed me and we were hugging for good while then he just started kissing me his lips were so warm it was beautiful and it was night while i was in his car i was shocked because i didnt expect it but i never stopped thinking about it it will be a night ill never forget. - Cherise, Jamaica
I had kissed a few other guys in my time but I never really got my first " Real Tongue Kiss " `till summer of 08 * .
Know everything that she likes and dislikes and you will be better placed in relating with her.
I didnt think the kiss was going to be special because I didn't really like the person . Soo everyday he would tell me that he likes me && that he wanted a kiss && I would usually say the casual No because I didn't feel the same. Until one day that he was begging soo much that I actually just did it, I was actually in the moment && that day I felt like I really wanted to kiss him, soo I just did .
We were in this dark ally, We made out for like 1min. I actually felt sparks && that's when I knew I was hucked. But then, since we lived really far from one another, I knew I wouldn't be seeing a lot of him.
I was really scared though, because I never put my tongue in someone's mouth before but it was really good ! It felt amazing .1 week ago we made a year of not seeing each other. - Anonymous, 14, U.S.

First Kiss Stories MORE

First Kiss Stories
Okay so my first kiss was, 3 days ago an it was the most AMAZING thing i have ever done, okay so i hadthis halloween party and my bf was there and we were hangin out together all night and then we all decide to play this hide and go seek game, so of course me and my bf hid together, and i live in the woods so there are coyotes and all that jazz out by my house and anyways so we were hidin together and the coyotes started howling right oitside my fence ans we were hiding like 5 feet away from the fence so i was really nervous, and my bf austin, goes, dont be scares, i love you too Much. And he proceeded to sweep me off my feet, he is TOTALLY buff, and he kissed me on the lips for like ever, i felt like a disney princess:), and he was like are you scared anymore? And i was like, maybe if u kissed me again i wouldnt be, and we totally made out again. - sarah, 13, wi
My first kiss was yesterday... on Sweetest Day (it's like valentine's day in ohio:). My boyfriend got my a Snickers, which he got me on our first date @ a football game.... how cute... i know! Well me and my boyfriend are both in this school club called Pride, and we went on a trip to a Haunted House. So on the bus ride up there, we held hands and talked about how much fun it was going to be. All through out the hayride and the trail we held hands and hugged (we ran like little kids, but i think i was the only one screaming lol:) Well when we got back on the bus, it was pitch black and i was a bit tired, so i layed my head on his shoulders. He put his arm around me and we just snuggled for a bit.
Well... then we kidda looked at each other and our heads were really close together (i could feel his breath on my lips), and his friend pushed him! I totally forgot that there were people around us, but don't worry we didn't kiss then... that would of been a bit awkward. But after we settled again, i put my head back on his shoulder, he put his arm around me and we just sat there. Our faces were really close again (i still could feel his warm breath on my face:), and i kinda just turned my head a tiny bit and he turned his head, just like mine, and he put a little peck on my lips (his lips were soooo soft and felt like silk:) When we pulled away, he whispered "I love you" in my ear. I whispered "I love you 2", and put my head back on his shoulders. We just kidda sat and snuggled next to each other all the way back home:) We hugged goodbye (we didn't wanna worry our parents lol), and said our goodbyes and left each other to ride home. I was breathless and I still am. That was the best first kiss ever! - J.I.S, 14

my first kiss was with this guy who had known since i was in 3rd grade. i had liked him since fourth grade and we were really good friends. and one day, as we were walking out of school he pulled me over behind the building and he told me he liked me and i then i told him i liked him and we were talking and we looked into each others eyes and both had the same thought on our mind "i want to kiss you". so we both leaned in and kissed. it was amazing. - emma, 13, orlando

First Kiss Stories

First Kiss Stories

Lol, just a week ago I was on this website looking at other peoplez first kiss stories. And now I have one too.Okay, I'm in high school, freshman, and for a while, there's this boy in my neighborhood that I've hung out with. A lot, and for hours at a time. We go to the playground with our little brothers and sisters and my friends little brothers and sisters, and we flirt a lot.
But, the thing is, he's a senior, so I never really thought that it would... Happen.

Then at school, we would flirt too, and we would act all couply like. He would put his arms around waist, and tickle my obsessively, and we were just really touchy feely.
So, I was on the bus yesterday, and we were sitting next to each other. We were flirting a little and joking around with his friends, and then he pulls me to him and wraps his arm around me, pulling me tight against him, and intertwines out fingers. It's so hot next to him, and I feel like I'm going to burn up. And he whispers: "I hate how young you are."
My heart like stopped beating, cuz at that point, I finally realized he liked me the same way. So when we got to our bus stop, we started walking home and we were talking about this. And the thing is, he only JUST turned seventeen, but yeah, it's still bad and actually... It's against the law. And he's trying not to break the law too much anymore.

So, by the time we've gotten to my house (he always walks me home) we've decided not to go out. Then he reaches out to hug me and we hug for a while. But when he starts to pull away, I refuse to let go. So we hug for a little longer, and it's not too awkward. And I cant help asking softly: "Why can't we just go out?"

He pulls away a little so he can look into my eyes, "It's not that I don't like you, it's the age gap... It's just too much."
I nod, looking up at his lips, my only thoughts now are- just one kiss. Just one kiss.
As if he can read my mind, I feel him leaning forward again, and I start to lean forward too, and we... Kiss. I didn't even realize it until I felt his tongue on my lips, and I couldn't help it. I laughed and pulled away and hugged him.

Now, I don't know what's gonna happen, but yeah, that was my first kiss, and it couldn't have been with a better, or more amazing person. I'm so glad I waited. - Anita, 13, Maryland

My first kiss happened yesterday. On Halloween, I was hanging out with this guy austen I really like and a few of his friends. We both knew we liked eachother after awhile we went to his house and it was only me him his one friends rich and his sister. they were on the other side of the room and we were snuggling on the couch at one point he whispered something in spanish in my ear I asked him what it meant and put his hand under my chin and kissed me gently on the lips it only lasted about 3 seconds he said it means "I'd like to kiss you" after the movie finished he lifted my chin up and kissed me again I kissed back this time and it was a little longer then the first. When we were waiting for my mom to pick me up he said "i have one more thing to ask you, but im not sure if I should do it now" "what is it?" I asked he said "Autumn will you go out with me?" I said "yes" -

Autumn, 15, PA

How Do I Approach The First Kiss?

What Type Of Kiss Should We Use The First Time?

I would suggest starting off slowly. You don't want to scare them away the first time with a lot of tongue and saliva. You want the kiss to be gentle yet exciting. You can do this by approaching with a close-mouthed kiss or a tongueless kiss. Let the kiss be gentle and let it linger. Let the other person yearn for more so that they will be in dire need of another kiss from you the next time the two of you are together.

Will The Other Person Know It's My First Time?
Not at all. Because everyone has a different style and way of kissing. Also, some people are more into strong, passionate kisses while others prefer to start off gently. You won't know what style that person has until you've kissed them a few times, and vice versa. Also, once you've kissed someone a few times your kisses start to meld together, meaning that your styles start to intertwine with one another's. That especially happens when one person didn't realize it was enjoyable to kiss a certain way until they tried it with that person. So then they change their style to this new technique.

How Do I Approach The First Kiss?

This can be done in one of two ways. You can either just do it or you can ask/demand a kiss. Asking for a kiss is gentlemanly but not romantic. After the date is over, when the two of you are alone, tell her/him what a good time you had. Then say something like, "Is it OK if I give you a kiss good-bye?" Of course the other person will know what to expect but it's not very romantic.

But you can demand a kiss. You can say something like, "I'd like to kiss you goodnight" or something along that line. More appropriate I believe.Just doing it is the best and most romantic way of having the first kiss. It shows that you have enough feelings for that person that you just HAVE to kiss them! The best approach for this is the slow and gentle approach. You're standing in front of them as you're saying good-bye. Then take a step or two towards them, hold their hands in yours and lean towards them. Then give them a gentle, lingering, close-mouthed kiss. An even more romantic approach is to cup their face in your hands. This is extremely exciting when the guy does this to the girl.

How Long Should A First Kiss Last?

A first kiss should only last a few moments. Don't worry about the exact time. Once your lips have touched the other person's lips then give it a few seconds and end the kiss. To end the kiss just gently close your mouth and pull away gently.

If you get carried away and find that you've lost track of time and the kiss is still continuing then that is OK. As long as the other person is reciprocating in the kiss the kiss can continue for as long as you wish.

Kissing Games

Kissing Games
If you're looking for a fun way to spend some time with that special person in your life, our kissing game ideas are perfect! Some you might know already, and some might be totally new - but always road-test them anyway, to be sure, right? Whether you're at home, playing some free bingo and watching a movie, or out on the town, there's always time to play a few quick kissing games. So test them all out, and enjoy yourself - like we need to tell you to!
Lollipop Kiss
Take your partner and gently pull her close to you. Lick her bottom lip, and proceed to french kiss her. Then when she needs to take a breath, cause most girls and guys need a break anyways, grab her tongue ever so gently with your lips and run them over it.
Marco Polo Kiss
First one of you need to figure out who's marco and who's polo. Then you play the game like marco and polo.
Except instead of just touching them, you have to embrace them in your arms and kiss him/her. It's great fun.
Dive Gear Kiss
While diving in a pool, one person wears a diving mask and the other person has to close their eyes and hold on to the mask-wearing person really close. Then trade the inhaling part of the dive gear. Take a deep breath and take the inhaler part away. Kiss the person wherever or however you like, then switch places. This should only be done with some one you truly trust would not hurt you.
Steam Kiss
You or your partner drink a very hot drink while the other drinks a very icy cold one and see if there's some steam. It's fun because if it doesn't work, just keep trying!
Who Lasts Longer Kiss

Sit very close to each other, your lips almost touching, arms where you please. Sit like this, very close, and see who can go the longest without kissing the other. It's great fun, because you can lose on purpose and still win!
Do What You Want Kiss
This is always fun. One of you just lies there, and the other does whatever he or she wants to give pleasure.
Then, you switch roles. See who can give the most satisfying kiss, with the other not participating at all.
Pepper Kiss
Take a hot pepper and roll it on your lips then kiss your partner. It give the kiss a kick. (Note use peppers as hot as you or your partner can take, but not too hot or it will just burn and ruin the kiss.)
Lip Venom
Before you go to kiss your partner, apply lip venom to your lips when he isn't looking. Lip venom is a safe cosmetic item that you can buy at Scarlets and other cosmetic stores and what it does is it draws the blood to your lips, making them red and tingly. A little bit goes a very long way and can still be passed up until probably about a half an hour after applying. When your partner kisses you, he will have this sensual feeling running through his lips for the rest of the day
Marathon Kissing
See how long you can kiss for (try 5 - 10 minutes straight)
Candy Kiss
Use either a Jolly Rancher or some type of hard candy/mint. Either you or your partner place the candy in your/their mouth and then it is like a game of keep away. Whoever starts tries to keep the candy in their mouth while the other person tries to get it in theirs. But you can only use your tongue and lips. This can be very fun if you have the right partner!!! Enjoy.
The Tickle Kiss
In this kiss you make use of the fact that the roof of the mouth is the most ticklish part of the body. Begin a normal French kiss and (be sure your partner understands the game) stroke your tongue across the roof of each other's mouth. This will create almost unbearable chills down your spine and the winner is the person who can stand them because the loser pulls away. The best part about this kiss is that it is different every time and always fun.

Name Kiss

If u have run out of things to do with your tongue spell your name. This works very well and everyone likes it!
Tongue Wars
Each person tries to get their tongue in the other persons mouth while they try to get their tongue in your mouth. Each person "blocks" the other persons tongue with theirs. The winner gets to pick the next type of kiss. This game is great for reliving first make-out tension.
Starburst Trick
Out a starburst in your mouth, and while French kissing try to unwrap it! Enjoy!
Ring Kiss
What you do is take a ring off your finger and put it on your tongue. Then while you and your partner are French kissing, he tries to slip it on the tip of his tongue! It is a lot of fun!
Tongue Tease
When you're French kissing, if/when you pull back, and before your mouths meet again, you can flick your tongue up and down quickly against the other person who is doing the same. It's very teasing and fun to see how long it lasts. Its hard to resist going strong after a while of flicking.

Types of Kisses

Types of Kisses
Chocolate Kiss
Best done with a Mars Bar because there is caramel in that too! Jus take a bite and French kiss as you would. Very silky smooth type of kiss, and can end up very messy.
Extremely pleasurable, and even more funny! Perfect for a first date just after a first kiss, or something to do that's a little bit different. A must for anyone, best style of kissing ever!

Spiderman Kiss
It's just like in the movie. You kiss upside down, taking in both of your lower lips and do all those other kisses listed above.
Spitzer Kiss
What you do is when you are ready to kiss (or even while you're Frenching or doing any other kiss) is gently nibble and/or lick the parts just above or below your partner's lip. Now don't slobber all over your partner. Just give enough saliva to get them damp. This is very fun and romantic. It will also turn your partner on or in other words make them like the kiss more.
Lap Kiss
While your partner is laying with his/her head in your lap, lean over and kiss her/him. Your bottom lip will be on your partner's top lip, and vise versa. You can even French kiss while in this position. This kiss is a playful kiss, and it can lead to much more.
Carmex Kiss
If either you or your partner are not carmex junkies, apply a little carmex to your lips and feel the gentle tingle on your lips.
Muzzle Kiss
When kissing the neck of your partner, at one point blow air out of your mouth while pressing the lips down, creating the sound of some sort of... flatulence.! It should be ever so unexpected and quite interesting indeed.
Trade-off Kiss
One of you gets a cinnamon candy and the other a mint. One takes the cinnamon and the other the mint. While French kissing, switch them from time to time. Great fun.
Tongue Ring Kiss
What you do is, if your partner has a tongue ring and the two of you are French kissing, mess with his/her tongue ring while kissing and it gives your partner chills and excitement/happiness because a lot of people with tongue rings love that. Or if the two of you have a tongue ring have a tongue ring WAR! What you do is keep his/her tongue away from your tongue ring, while you're messing with their tongue ring. (NOTE: don't Tangle tongue rings together because that will be a disaster!)
Breath Kiss
In a hot moment - creates major anticipation - barely touch lips with lips slightly parted... then breath your partner's breath... moving heads slowly to experience different sensations... lips touching on and off slightly... it is a very teasing sort of kiss and builds passion tremendously.
Chew Kiss
Tell your partner to place their tongue deeply into mouth deeply... you VERY GENTLY "chew" on the back part of their tongue... do not suck. This will create a sensation in other places that can be very exciting!
Touch Kiss
You do this after you and your partner have Frenched or really kissed alot. What you do is just simply touch tongues - like the tip of your tongue. You may want to move it around but you don't have to. You don't do it inside your mouth you do it out in the open.
Underwater Kiss
Have your partner hold their breath underwater and when he or she taps you give them air.
Moving Kiss
Make sure a bed or couch or chair is behind your partner and when French kissing gently push your partner onto the chair or whatever is behind them. Very good for serious couples or just beginners.
Chin Kiss
Hold your partner's chin with your middle, index, and thumb and tilt their head in the right direction.
Continue to hold it as you kiss.

Flavor Kissing
Put a piece of long lasting gum in your mouth (Hubba Bubba, Trident) just before you and your partner French kiss. While kissing pass the gum back and forth, and see how long it takes for the flavor to run out!
Suck Kissing

This can be a very seductive type of kiss. Instead of French Kissing with your mouth open, while your partner's lips are parted suck on their top our bottom lip with your own, just for a second or two. Then go back to another type of kiss or try the other lip.
Nip Kissing
This type of kiss has to be done carefully, but when done correctly can create a wonderful effect on your partner. While suck kissing, gently bite their lip, but be VERY gentle so as not to hurt your partner. This kiss should only be done with someone that you've kissed a few times before, otherwise you may shock your partner.
Surprise Kissing
This type of kiss is done when your partner is lying down on a sofa or the ground, either asleep or just lying with their eyes closed. Quietly approach your partner and place a small, very gentle kiss on their lips. Intensify the kiss until your partner opens their eyes or awakens.
Vacuum Kissing
This is a playful kiss. While in an open-mouthed kiss, suck in deeply so you're sucking the air from your partner.
Cordial Kissing
Take a sip of your favorite drink, either alcohol or something sweet, and then when your lips meet pour the drink in your partner's mouth. Only take a very small sip.
Butterfly Kissing
Put your eye really close to your partner's cheek and flutter your lashes upon their skin. You can also do this on their lips.
Melt Kissing
Pass an ice cube back and forth in mouth while French kissing.
Glow Stick Frenzy
Pass the mini mouth glow stick back and forth (same thing as melt kissing).
Tongue Sucking
When you have the chance to get really deep into your partners mouth, suck on their tongue as far as you can.
Don't suck to hard, you don't want to hurt your partner. Otherwise it's very pleasing!
Sigh Kiss
When you first start kissing your partner gently lick their lips with the tip of your tongue. Then blow or sigh into their lips, causing a tingling feeling that will intensify your kiss for sure.
Pop Kiss
Use pop-rocks, great fun. You've heard of fireworks, this is an explosion!
Tongue Tease
When you're French kissing, if/when you pull back, and before your mouths meet again, you can flick your tongue up and down quickly against the other person who is doing the same. It's very teasing and fun to see how long it lasts. Its hard to resist going strong after a while of flicking.

The Basics

The Basics

There are so many different ways to kiss. The two main basic ones are close-mouthed kissing and French kissing. French kissing involves an open mouth and with tongue, while close-mouthed kissing is pretty self-explanatory. We thought it would be easier for first-time kissers if they knew at least the kissing basics before they try to approach other kisses, such as French kissing.

Great Breath - This is very important. Make sure you brush your teeth before going out on your date. There is nothing worse than kissing someone with bad breath. If your date consists of having something to eat before the actual kiss, make sure you have a mint on hand to take right after you finish eating. Don't take the mint just before the kiss or chew on gum. You don't want to have something in your mouth when you kiss.

Moist Lips - You want your lips to be slightly moist when you kiss. Run your tongue over your lips once before you kiss. Don't wear lip gloss because that tends to make the kiss too gooey. And don't wear a lot of lipstick unless you want your partner to wear it too after the kiss. Slightly moist lips makes it easier to move your lips over your partner's and gives both you and your partner a more pleasant experience.
Positioning - Stand close to your partner. As the two of you move closer together tilt your head slightly to one side. If you don't, don't worry about it. Your partner will still tilt their head slightly so your lips meet on a slight angle or they will kiss you straight on. If you can see which way your partner's head is tilting, tilt your head slightly in the opposite direction.

Help her with tedious work for example carrying some heavy load or even changing oil in her car. Always show her you are strong. Women love the masculine physique and usually when they watch football, they secretly admire the masculine swagger of the players. Show her some swagger too. You will never go wrong.