Dating can be kind of rough if you are not attract female attention the way that you want to. For most guys, the best that they can hope for is a little hit or miss success with women and that is about it. They hope that one day they will somehow get it right and end up meeting the right woman.To attract women to you, you don’t need to go out and waste money on phermones that are nothing more than a gag, learn pick up lines that make you feel like the rear end of a horse, or dress in a way that makes you feel silly. If you want to play it by chance, keep doing what you are doing.
What you need to do is to be able to enter into a room, command and draw attention, and make yourself seem very open to being approached.
Here are 3 tips on how to attract women to you:
1) Don’t just stand in one spot if you are in a club or a bar.
Standing in one place usually does not do the trick to get you noticed, especially since most guys are going to choose to stand in a ‘comfortable’ spot, a place where they will get very little attention. Walk around the room. Own the place you are in. Make it apparent that you are a real alpha male and women’s eyes will start to pick up on you. Stand in one spot, and you probably will get very little attention if any at all.
2) Make eye contact and hold it long enough so that there is a connection.
When making eye contact, a lot of guys will quickly drop their eyes or dart them around kind of like when a spy gets spotted in a bad movie. That’s not the kind of thing that you want to do if you want to attract women to you. Instead, you want to be able to make eye contact with a woman and hold it long enough so that she feels like there is some kind of connection with YOU.
3) Smell good, don’t cheap out on buying cologne.
It’s not about the pheromones, because honestly, most colognes that claim to have these in them realy don’t have any scientific basis at all. It’s about smelling good, so that you have your own scent that she can associate your face with. Smells can be a powerful trigger and if you cheap out on buying cologne, you can end up turning her off when she gets within a few feet of you.