When asked, almost all females will quickly say that confidence is the number one most attractive personality trait a man can have. Projecting a confident demeanor, on the other hand, is very difficult for those who simply do not feel this confidence in a genuine way. A constant fear of being turned down will eat at a man’s sense of self.
Understand that no technique or tip will create a 100% success rate with girls. Begin learning to accept, and even embrace, the fact that girls will turn down men all the time. Even the most attractive and successful men will be rejected. Accept this fact and be realistic about the situation.
Putting yourself in ideal circumstances while in social situations will be very important. A man must demonstrate to the opposite sex that he is happy, fun, and generally worthy of the woman’s time and attention. This projection of happiness and fun will show a confidence in yourself.
One of the most important things to learn in this regard is that most men simply try too hard to get a woman’s attention. There is a delicate balance between showing attention and remaining independent that a man will need to master. Show attention when it is necessary, but never become aggravating, annoying, or overbearing.
Be honest about which girls are within your ability to entertain. Talking with the ideal women with the right mindset and techniques will greatly improve the chances of success.
Although great insight regarding how to attract women tips is important, there is no substitute for practice. Be sure and put yourself into an ideal situation and aim for girls that are reasonable.