Barb's Time With Annya.. ‘forever’
Barb's Time With Annya.. ‘forever’
Hello! ……..Of cause, that picture. It's imprinted in my brain. Maybe you saw it or remember it? Two little dogs with the same name because one clung to the other, terrified of what humans would do to them next. And so, I told the shelter, send them to me, if they are still alive. There were four.
But when I met the transport, I didn't know what to expect. Four Tzu were coming to me from a mill bust in Huron, South Dakota... and two of them were Lola's because they clung to each other. Other foster moms took three. They have all found happy homes. But the worse was Sweet Annie.
I named her for my favorite dried, heavily scented flower. She needed a beautiful name, because the mill had taken her beauty from her forever. Her jaw was broken and wired together by a rescue vet, her teeth were mostly gone except for her canines, which protruded because of her narrow jaw. But Annie's rotten teeth had poisoned her system, and damaged her beautiful heart.
She was a Tzu with a Bassett bark and a Hound Howl; her vocal cords damaged by years of crying for food and fighting the infection that drained down her throat. And, we thought she was blind. Her eyes never moved when I passed my hand in front of her face.
During only her first days with me, I bathed her, trimmed away the hair that covered her face, fed her whatever she wanted to eat and she began to bloom. Annya learned to play like a puppy, learned to trust me, bonded with my Tzu and became comfortable in my home.
But, she wasn't ready for a new home yet as she was terrified of men. So, I said an aching goodbye to only my Sweet Annya and she went to live with a couple that could expose her to more people and a new situations so she would be ready for her forever home.
And so I met the transport and said goodbye, forever.\
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