
*Even though girls can use most of these pickup lines too (with a feminine touch), my approach here is more a masculine one. It's just that pickup lines are, usually, not written/created for girls/women.
But hey, don't let usage/stupid convention (border-line misogynic if you ask me) stop you.
I'd really like my pickup lines to be used by girls. If some decide to do so, please contact us to tell us how it went.
Original, fresh and hot pickup lines related to French kissing. How to approach, how to attract and how to seduce girls with these sexy tongue kissing pickup lines? Read on.
French Kissing Pickup Lines - How to pickup girls with great sensual openers.
Add some novelty, passion and fun to your pickup lines (aka PUA - Pickup Artist - openers) and create immediate attraction.

First a definition of a pickup line.

Pickup line definition: What we call a pickup line is a sentence or word (Hi is sometimes considered as a pickup line) used to break the ice with a person you want to attract and intend to seduce. The best option is, obviously, a pickup line which isn’t dull nor dumb and that will interest your target in some way. It’s better if it’s original and induce a discussion by inciting the target to answer. A great pickup line is fun and one which formulation or very nature already create attraction and/or (sexual) tension.

A French kissing pickup line is a pickup line which topic is French kissing.

Bearing this in mind, you want to know how to approach, attract and seduce girls with tongue kissing pickup lines, right?
Well it’s easy. A good French kissing pickup line is playful, teasing, provocative, sexy and allow you to start the interaction straight on the seduction level.
So, what better way to approach, seduce girls than a pickup line related to French kissing which will immediately send the subconscious/implicit message you mean business.

Simply speaking or asking questions about French kissing will get any guy or girl to picture her/himself hot kissing or being French kissed. And what kind of emotions you feel while thinking of a tongue kiss?.. Exactly… Desire, passion, pleasure, romanticism, eroticism and even sex.
So, right of the bat, you subliminally encourage your ‘target’ to think about all these exciting feelings and experiences. Add that to the fact YOU are the one inducing these positive emotions and you’ll understand why she/he will subconsciously connect these (hot kissing) feelings with you. This is a common NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and hypnosis-like tactics

For more great and powerful similar . Once you purchase this e-book, you'll learn the Deep Psychological Secrets to getting women sexually aroused and you won't be able to stop reading (and reading it again). At least, that's what I did.
Coming to the toping at hand: That’s definitely the kind of emotions and state of mind you want the girl you intend to pickup/seduce to feel/be in.

The tongue kissing pickup lines I present here fulfill perfectly these requirements.
Test them, you’ll see that they really can help you approach and attract girls. Though it’s up to you to get the conversation going and make it interesting, lively and teasing enough for you to charm her.
Don’t forget to ALWAYS SMILE, BE FUN, POSITIVE AND TEASING (even for the pickup line/routine #8).

French kissing Pickup line #1:
How much do (would) you like to be French kissed?
Or, even more simple: Do you like to be French kissed?

French kissing Pickup line #2:
Have you ever been French kissed? Do you like it?

Or: Would you like to be French kissed? No, I don’t mean right now. Or do I? Smile.
She keeps you under complete control. If a woman tries to keep you under complete control, forbidding to meet friends, for example, to play football, it will be hard to build normal relationship, because, you will always take offence at her. A woman must understand that women and men are different in nature and have different interests. For example, it won’t come to your mind to forbid her meeting her friends.