Passionate French kisses

How to tongue kiss - French kissing Tip #5: Go slow.

Passionate French kisses are positively great, sometimes. But they are a lot more scarce than movies lead you to believe. Not everyone likes it and, even if they do, you need that special spark/flash of excitement and unique atmosphere to really engage in a passionate tongue kiss without coming across as over-enthusiastic or plain crazy.
Therefore, to be on the safe side, for one, but, moreover, to truly appreciate the voluptuousness of a French Kiss, you’d better go for the slow and languorous approach. You’re not in a hurry. Take your time to relish her/his tongue, lips, mouth… and the moment/feeling you experience.
So, my advice is to don’t try too much, don’t over do it. Just relax and avoid being caught up in techniques instead of living this tongue kiss as you should: A pure moment of pleasure and sensuality.

How to tongue kiss - French kissing tip #6: Don’t put to much pressure on the lips.

Do not put too much pressure on your partner's lips Be careful and tender at first. Still, the pressure applied on each other mouth will vary depending on the level of your desire, the intensity of the French kiss and the feelings/passion/desire accompanying it. Again, it may seem a good idea to go for the passionate tongue kiss, but it can reveal itself a poor decision if done inappropriately, at the wrong time or if it’s uncalled for.

If you ’basically’ never really paid much attention to the weight you put on your partners' mouth/lips, read the following. I hope, from now on, you will.
How to French kiss good - tongue kissing -hot kissing- Low pressure on the lipsAlso, some problems and/or inconveniences can appear when putting too much pressure on your partner's lips while French kissing her/him:

- It can hurt a bit.
If the lips are considered as erogenous zones it’s because they’re easy to stimulate. And if they’re easy to stimulate it’s because they are very sensitive. So, be gentle.

- You can touch her/his teeth with yours.
The lips are soft. So, if you’re applying too much force on them, their volume will diminish. It’s physics. They won’t act as a stopper between your teeth and your partner's anymore. Therefore your teeth are more exposed and they may collide. It’s not necessarily painful but it’s annoying for sure and revealing of your lack of skills, your clumsiness.

- It can also be perceived as if you were forcing yourself on your partner.
Your partner may, in this case, have a movement of rejection (by reflex) or try to distance her/himself a bit. It could feel as if you were trying to overpower her/him. In any event, it’s not the kind of feeling you want your partner to undergo.

So, as you may have understood by now, the sensual/tender approach is almost always the good one when it comes to French kissing.

How to tongue kiss - French kissing tip #7: Share the desire and feel the passion

It is unconceivable, in my opinion, to try French Kissing girls or tongue kissing someone if you don’t feel some passion/desire when you (are about to) tongue kiss them.
Because you cannot efficiently French kiss a girl or a guy if you don’t feel some kind of passion, or desire for her/him.
How can you express, share and convey something you don’t feel?
Also, it’s important to have your partner's implicit consent when tongue kissing her/him. Yet, you don’t want to ask permission since it’s dumb to do so.
To properly initiate a French kiss without asking but while being respectful enough to see if the desire is shared, read our How to switch from a kiss to a French kiss article.
way you prefer… Till you find a new one because your relationship won’t be the same, because of your mood on this particular day, because of her/him… That’s why the title of this article is ‘Develop your own French kissing style’ and not create it (once and for all).
Just be careful to don’t always make the same kind of kiss. Everyone likes some variety and surprises (especially girls/women).

Who are you? What do you see, when you open a dating page in some magazine or at the website? “I would like to find a clever, beautiful and interesting girl; she should be housewifely and born a lot of children for me…”, bla-bla-bla and so on. It is really awful, because we all want many things, but we don’t think about our own qualities.

My first kiss- happen

My first kiss I never though would ever happen. It was with my first real boyfriend and first date. (if you call a dance a date), it was February 3rd any way we were in the auditorium in our school. Me, my at the time boyfriend of almost a month (we are still really great friends), and one of our best friends was trying to get away from all the noise outside.
He sat down in the seat and led me toward his lap. I sat down and just laid there because i was tired even though it was only like an hour into the dance. My friend was sitting in another chair with his video camera and looked over at us. "Just kiss her already." he said. My boyfriend looked over at my friend and mouthed 'no' very jokingly. "Just do it!" My boyfriend shook his head again and laughed. He looked nervous. "On the cheek?' my friend asked him.

My friend kissed me on the cheek and i kissed him back. "Again...." He kissed me on the cheek and i repeated. My friend continued. "Again...." He kissed me again but this time he got closer to my mouth and was almost at my lips but i moved my head slightly so i missed. I kiss him on the cheek again.
My friend sighed "again...." I said out loud that i could tell that he was getting closer. Then there was a long pause and i just looked into his eyes. He leaned forward and then kissed me. It was a brief second and i couldn't believe what had just happened. I looked over and the camera was still rolling. "There you go!" my friend yelled. I continued to be shocked. But it was one of the best experiences i have ever had. - KC, 15
My first kiss was amazinggggg. me and my friends were at the mall one say and we decided to see a movie. as we were in line a few guys came up to us and offered to buy our tickets so we let them. we saw the movie and it was great.
I got his number and we talked on the phone every night for a week and then we all decided to go to a movie next week too . we did me and him ast next to each other and he put his arm around me. about half way through the movie he reached his arm across me 2 get skittles but on his way back he grabbed my head and kissed me. it was the best first kiss ever. and now its my favorite movie. =) - anonymous

So half the people say your first kiss is not the best and the other half say its complete bliss. So I figured I had to put my word in.
My boyfriend (now) and I were swimming in a small little lake so we decided we were going to swim across it. We got to the other side and stood in a shallow area and were talking and just kinda screwing around. I knew he liked me and we were standing really close. He put his hands around my waist and our eyes locked. Then he kissed me and it lasted like a minute, then he asked me out. - Kasey B., 15
So, let’s make a so-called rough list of words, which you should say to your woman as often as possible. These words are necessary for her good mood and, accordingly, your peace of mind. Here are these words:
1. Dear
2. Beloved
3. Tender
4. The most beautiful (very beautiful)
5. Darling
6. Awesome housewife
7. Passionate
8. Lithe
9. Gracious
10. You look good
11. You look so young
12. Your eyes are amazing
13. You stole a way to my heart once and for all
14. I’m happy only next to you
15. You are magnificent
16. I will never get tired telling how strongly I love you
17. I am delighted with you
18. You are so funny and it is always so easy and pleasant to communicate with you
19. I will always love you
20. You have excellent sense of humor
21. You show perfect taste in all things
22. I wonder how you manage all your business so easily
23. Why are you in love with me, I do not deserve you
24. I always astonished by you, you are always at your best
25. I can’t stop wondering at your talents
26. This dress suits you very much
27. These trousers nicely accentuate your figure
28. This blouse (dress, etc) nicely accentuate your bust
29. You are amazing in any dress
30. I love your ears, shoulders, hands, legs, breast, dimples and everything else
31. I can’t take my eyes off you
32. I do not want to separate with you even for a moment
33. You always smell very good
34. I drown in your eyes
35. I can’t stop thinking about you at work (on business trip, in a journey, etc)
36. I always think about you
37. I can’t find words to describe how strongly I love you
38. I would make verses or wrote a song for you if I could
39. My heart beats faster when I think about you
40. You are a perfect wife (girlfriend, colleague, etc), mother of our children

Be Unique, Express and Enjoy Yourself

Be Unique, Express and Enjoy Yourself

As we indirectly suggested in our What is a French Kiss Section, there are quite some reasons as to Why French Kissing one's partner.
We could reformulate the question and ask why French kissing a girl or a guy is so important?

Therefore, the goal of this section will be to give you enough reasons to never ask "Why French kissing a girl or a guy is so important?" again.

- Why tongue kissing
- Importance of French kissing good #0:
To avoid a breakup. To impress your partner.

Whether you know it or not, kissing can make or break a relationship with a lover. After all, kissing and French kissing are ways for two people to intertwine souls and really feel one another. Kissing has been used as a nonverbal form of communication for thousands of years, which proves that kissing has stood the test of time. People test each other with kissing to see if that person is someone that they click with. Therefore, people can and will end relationships due to the other person being a bad kisser. However, these people generally do not tell their partner that kissing is the reason that they are breaking up. Learning to become a good kisser through skills and tips can help ensure that no one will break up with you because you are a bad kisser, instead people will notice you are a great kisser and will want to be with you.

This is a quote from the French Kissing Secrets Book . It’ll simply redirect you to a brief presentation of this e-book) for you to have an idea of how important it is to know how to French Kiss good or how to tongue kiss passionately.

Becoming a skilful French kisser to improve your attraction potential and, therefore, your ability to impress your partner, should be, for you, the first reason why you need to learn all the French kissing tips and tongue kissing techniques you can. French Kissing good should be a duty. For your partners, but also for yourself, your own romantic and sexual life.
You don’t want your partner to break up with you because of your poor French kissing skills. You want him/her to praise you for them. You want to impress her/him. You want to…

- Why tongue kissing - Importance of French kissing good #1:
…To stand out from the crowd.

Undoubtedly, your actions are more important, but words are equally important! Don’t expect a woman to ask you questions like “do you love me?”; don’t laugh and make jokes on this subject. If you are not able to say pleasant things to women, so much the worse! Start learning right now!
You don’t only kiss, you French Kiss. It’s a first-class, superior kiss. Why French kissing a girl - Why French kissing a guy - Tongue kissing - Stand out from the crowd.Not only you show difference compared to most people, but this diversity has a higher value. This is not being different for the sake of being different. A kiss is an easy exercise. On the other hand, French Kissing (good) demands more knowledge and expertise, even some (French) ‘flair‘.
This aspect can be summarized and made clear with two questions: Who do you think will be regarded and remembered as a good (better) kisser? A guy/girl who only kisses or someone who can French Kiss?

Though not as good as you will because he/she is lacking the knowledge (and, later on, expertise) you will acquire on French or from the two best French Kissing e-Books we introduce you to.
- Why tongue kissing - Importance of French kissing good #2:
To convey your passionate, sensual and erotic nature.

We are who we are, full stop! It is not enough for a woman to be the chosen one: she wants to hear all the time WHY have you chosen her, HOW STRONGLY you love her and WHAT you are ready to do for her.

- Why tongue kissing - Importance of French kissing good #3:
To show your romantic/sexy side (men). To show your sexy/naughty side (girls).
Guys: A soft (yes, there can be different form of French Kisses as we’ll see in our How to French Kiss section) French Kiss is perceived, first and foremost, as inherently romantic by girls/women. It’s quickly seen as erotic (romantic is sexy), but there is always this fantasy/fairy tale connotation that you simply can’t shake. That’s why two French Kiss synonyms are: ‘deep kiss’ (no, not in the throat) and ‘soul kiss’.
Thus, if you tenderly French kisses her, a girl will always see it as romantic (and therefore attractive).

You want to know a secret? If girls want romantic guys, it's to be able to accept a sexual relationship (yes girls/women want to have sex as much as guys do) without feeling the guilt that most women feel when having sex (the first time) with someone. Why? Because romantic means respectuous. In fact, it's the level above respect since charm, desires and sensuality are added.

Women like a romantic guy (aka a gentleman) because they think/know he doesn't see them as a piece of meat, a simple means to get THEIR selfish satisfaction.
The image a woman has of herself is partially and positively reflected by the eyes of a romantic guy/a gentleman (that's called the mirror effect. Part of who we are - our value - is determined by the opinion others have of us. This is especially true for our social value.).
And this image is the one of a desired, of course, but respected and VALUABLE PERSON. Not simply an OBJECT of pleasure/desire.
That's why most women, most of the time, say they want a romantic guy... To be able to have sex with a man who actually deserves them. Someone with whom they feel appreciated for who they are... Not simply for what they can give (i.e pleasure).
Like that they don't feel degradated in any way to have given themselves to him. Because if he respects them as a person, he is deserving. And if he is deserving of their body, there is no need for guilt. Do you follow?
The key, for a man, is to combine respect/thoughtfulness/care (romantic attributes) with strength/leadership/social value... (Alpha male characteristics) . Because a man still needs to be a man, to be slightly superior/stronger in some ways (I don't speak intellectually of course) to be regarded as desirable. You can be respectuous and caring and ending up as (only) a friend if you're not careful.

If you want to know more about girls' mind, you really need to read the "Super Seduction power" e-Book (secured link). You will learn, for example, that the biggest component to fixing or improving your sex life is how you are perceived by girls/women (i.e your Sexual Value). You'll discover the Deep Psychological Secrets to getting women sexually aroused and that there are ways to dramatically improve their perception of you as a potential sexual partner... Ways you could never have thought about.
Girls: For men, to French Kiss is like establishing a deeper connection, a step towards the ultimate goal: the discovery of your whole body… Ultimately sex of course. So, if a guy French kisses you, it basically means "I want you now".
You may feel the same way without knowing how to express it (without having to actually say it).

If you are among the girls/women who think there are few possibilities for girls to show their sensual/erotic (naughty?) side without being seen as slutty, I recommend you to use French kissing to do so. You’ll be seen as sensual and convey your sexual desires without risking misinterpretation and your reputation. (more on this topic in tip #5 below)

My first kiss was last week

I am 13 and my first kiss was last week.
Me and this girl ive liked for about a month went on a date ice skating. I play hockey and was trying to be real sweet with hslping her skate. As we were skating, she slipped and wanted to go outside for a few minutes.
While we were outside we climbed up a huge tree and were sitting together at the top. It was a little weird cause we just sat there looking at eachother for a bit. We both just started to lean in and we ended up making out for like 10 minutes until a car drove by. We then had to go back in. The whole rest of the time we were dboth just kinda quiet and looked at eachother a lot. It was the best day of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also had some clue of what im doing now. - James, 13, Ohio, USA

My frist kiss wasn't good at all ! We were at his grandmothers house and he knew i hadn't had my first kiss yet ! I was sitting in the room on the floor and he was in the other room ! We were texting each other ! He asked me if I had had my first kiss, i said no, and he asked me if I wanted it !
I walked over to the other room and we talked for like two seconds . He was sitting on the bed and I walked over to him, he grabbed he by the waist and pulled me closer to him ! I was scared cause I didn't know what to do .
He tried to kiss me and I just kinda looked at him . I kept my eyes open and it was really weird ! He tried twice then he just let me leave the room . The next day he wanted to try it again ! His bestfriend has in the room with us ! His bestfriend asked me if I knew how to kiss and i said no ! He tried to teach me with a teddy bear . I was sitting on the bed and he (not the bestfriend) came over to me and kind of got on top of me and tried to kiss me again ! We never got our perfect kiss in, but I am trying ! We are like bestfriends so it will happen again ! Nobody's perfect ! I thing that kiss was the worst ! - anonymous

It was with my boyfriend of about 3 months now- I know- we like to take things slow. We are both new to this and he’s very nervous around me. It’s cute- I adore that about him. Anyway, we were in his truck in my driveway. We had just came back from a night at his house. He started getting all nervous, saying how special I am to him…and rambling about other random things. I kind of played dumb, and tried to lighten the mood. I also knew he wanted to get up the courage to ask. I just wanted him to calm down, but I knew exactly what he wanted.

Then he said, “Well, I was planning on kissing you tonight…but…”. I looked at him expectantly and kind of leaned in. Then he chickened out and started talking about the song on the radio. I just keep staring at him, and he turns it off. Then he says, “Okay then.” And kisses me. It was sweet and soft. It was easy and considerate. It wasn’t gushingly romantic and It didn’t feel anything like I had planned for so many years that it would. It was better, so much better. After the first kiss, we just kind of stared at each other and I leaned in again and kissed him this time, with my hand on his face. It was gentle and kind. I pulled away and said goodnight without another word.doesn’t get any better than that, you guys. Find someone you truly care about and take it slowly. It’ll work out for the better in the long run. The best things take patience. - Anonymous, 16, Texas

What is a French Kiss. Presentation, definition of French kissing

What is a French Kiss. Presentation, definition of French kissing
What is a French kissing - A romantic, sensual, erotic kiss - hot kissingIf there is, in the romantic and erotic realm, a topic which has always been seen, by our collective subconscious, as essential, sensual, passionate and deep, it’s definitely French kissing.
As you’ll discover reading these pages and visiting this website, French kissing is more of an art than a set of techniques.
A French Kiss is more than plucking your tongue around in your partner's mouth.
A French Kiss is about feeling passion, desire and giving and/or receiving pleasure. And all this condensed and expressed in one action: a sensual/hot kiss.
Everyone knows what a kiss is. Most people also know that the difference between a kiss and a French Kiss is the use of the tongue in some way. But, what is a French Kiss, precisely?
While giving you the common and our own definitions, to have a better idea of what is a French kiss, I’d like to make a quick point.

What is a French kiss? - Common definitions and differences/hierarchy between kissing, hot kissing, tongue kissing and French kissing.

As much as the use of the tongue is indeed very significant to the true nature/purpose of a French Kiss, the question: « what is a French Kiss? » needs a better answer than: « To kiss with an open mouth, usually placing one's tongue in the other person's mouth. » or : « You and your partner putting your tongue in each others mouth and moving it around with your lips locked. »

These are the standard definitions you get from dictionaries but they are incomplete. They lack the necessary mention to the ingredients which make a French Kiss so famous, so desired to be learned, mastered and… practiced of course.
It only partially explains what is a French Kiss and why, in many countries, this kind of kissing as a public display of affection is discouraged, considered taboo or licentious.
The conventional descriptions completely disregard one’s (subconscious) reasons, motivations, purpose and pleasure to French Kiss her/his partner.
So, what are the ingredients the usual definitions of what is a French Kiss lack of? Passion, sensuality, desire, eroticism and pleasure.

Definitions like: « an open-mouthed kiss with probing tongues » leave out the very essence of what is a French Kiss, presenting it as a mere technique when it’s, in fact and undoubtedly, if not an art, the expression of one’s desires, passion and sensuality.

Here, you could ask me: « Isn’t it what a kiss also is?»
And I’ll answer that there’s a difference and even a hidden hierarchy between kissing, hot kissing, tongue kissing and French kissing.
Yes, kissing can definitely express all these feelings and emotions. But it can also express friendship, family love, tenderness, devotion, kindness… depending essentially on its location, the lips pressure, the person you give it to and its time length.

A French Kiss, on the other hand, can only be interpreted one way and is done specifically between two people involved in a romantic relationship and/or having (sexual) desires for one another.
Would you French Kiss your mother, brother, friend, dog or baby? You see my point.

Hot kissing someone is already more explicit than kissing since the adjective ‘hot’ implies sensuality, eroticism and maybe passion. But hot kissing doesn’t necessary involve the tongue.
Make a list of your advantages and disadvantages, what you’ve achieved and what you haven’t done yet; find out what stopped you and remove all hindrances from your way.
Tongue kissing is a pretty much a straight notion. It describes a kiss using the tongue. But that’s it. There’s no other implication. It lacks the emotional dimension, the passion, ‘sexyness’… of the hot kissing and French kissing concepts. Still, it can be considered implicit or hidden in some way. As the tongue is one of the most erogenous zones of our body, doesn’ it entail pleasure and enjoyable feelings? You decide.
Your first step should be self-definition and improvement of your own shortcomings. Women look for men, who can support them and their children, protect and care about them; so, you must show a woman that you are the one she has been looking for.

Why tongue kissing - Importance of French kissing good

Why tongue kissing - Importance of French kissing good #6:
To make her/him desire (you) more.

To French Kiss , if done well of course, is the best way (beside to directly caress or kiss even more erogenous zones such as the breasts and vagina for girls/women and the penis for men) to increase the level of desire she/he has for you.Why french kissing girls good - French kissing a guy good - Hot tongue kissing - increase desire As a result, if you’re a good French kisser, she/he won’t stop kissing you. And, therefore, she/he will desire you more. To, finally, desire more than just (French) kissing.

Now, if you take into consideration that French kissing is the missing link, the natural step, (in)between kissing and sex, you’ll realize that with a great French Kiss, you will unsurprisingly open the door of her/his intimacy. Indeed, French Kissing is (should be) part of foreplay.
You’re enlacing each other, tongue against tongue, body against body, your hands traveling all around… What is more natural than to let your tongue softly lick your partner’s earlobes, get down her/his neck, then chest/breasts, then… I think you catch my drift.

- Why tongue kissing - Importance of French kissing good #7
To assert your image as a potential sexual partner.

This is directly linked to the nature of a French kiss (see what is a French Kiss) and to the fact that you can create or increase her/his sexual desire towards you. She/he will consider the way you kiss as a prelude for things to come. So, if you French Kiss her/him and French Kiss skillfully, what do you imagine your partner will think?
« Well, she/he’s ok but what’s that kiss? Boooring. Maybe it would be best if we stayed friends. »?
I don’t think so. With a good French Kiss, she/he’ll have no other choice than to think something like: « Wow, that’s what I call a kiss. I can’t wait to see what else she/he has in store for me. »
That’s how, with a French Kiss, you can assert your image as a potential (skilled) lover.
Do you remember a funny story where husband complained to his neighbor about his wife, about how she had bored him with her unkempt appearance, lack of caress, tasteless food and constant angriness? And what was the end of this anecdote? Exactly!
If you really want to drive your (future) partner crazy/wild, you can always learn how to talk dirty (secured link). Two different systems/methods. One for girls/women, the other for men.

- Why tongue kissing - Importance of French kissing good #8:
To heighten your self-esteem.

And this for two reasons:

a) When you succeed in French kissing a girl or a boy/man it proves more involvement from your partner‘s side (than with a simple kiss).
Not only she/he gave you hers/his lips but also hers/his whole mouth and tongue. It may seem anecdotic but it’s quite revealing of your partner’s implication with you and desire for you. It means you have attracted her/him enough for her/him to French Kiss you. It feels good to be really desired.
Therefore it increases your self-esteem, it’s as simple as that. So, the higher signification of the French Kiss gives you more reason to feel wanted, therefore good about yourself. Even if it was for a few seconds in a club, it means something. It’s self-satisfying.
Compare that to the disappointment, frustration and/or feeling of rejection a peck on the chick (it’s still a kiss right?) from someone you desire, or are attracted to, would create and you’ll understand.

b) When you give a good French Kiss to your partner, you know it. You can feel her/his pleasure by her/his response to it. Your technique was great and you are proud of a ‘job’ well done. Here, it may seem a bit childish, but that’s the way we are, sometimes.
Needless to say that to give pleasure to someone can also, by rebound, heighten your self-esteem, of course.

- Why tongue kissing - Importance of French kissing good #9:
Biological role, health and beauty benefits.

Why french kissing girls good - French kissing a guy good - Tongue kissing - Got Milk - Good health
It seems that biologists give to the French Kiss a biological role (that's their job too...):

To evaluate and prevent a potential genetic incompatibility with your partner by checking her/his immune-system. We do so by ’tasting’ the saliva of our potential love mate. They assert it is a way to determine if the offspring born from this union will be in good health.
At least it is proven that the exchange of saliva has, among animals, this function. So, there is every reason to believe that it can also be the case for humans.
For health benefits:
As for beauty benefits, when you kiss and especially when you French Kiss (since you use more of them) you tighten your facial muscles. It also helps to improve your blood circulation in your facial zone. These two factors combined assist in preventing drooping skin and help smoothing it. To French Kiss also plays a part in postponing the apparition of wrinkles and other effects due to an aging skin.

To conclude, and for all the reasons cited above and more, French Kiss and French Kiss again. Even doctors advise you to do so… What are you waiting for?
A (new) partner maybe?

If you don't have or want a new one, we can provide one for you! Well, not exactly... ;)

But we can give you the means to get one. That's the next best thing, right?

- For girls: I've got one woman for you: Amy Waterman. She's, by far, the best dating/seduction coach for girls I've had the pleasure to read. Don't believe me? Well, I guess it's fair. Just read the presentation of her book and system to make up your own opinion: Seduction Genie

If you are interested in something completely new, why not trying learning how to seduce men
from... a man? Evan Michaels and his How to attract, flirt with and seduce men reveals a lot of info guys/men wished (actually, fantasize about!) girls knew... And he can teach them to you. Who better than a man to unveil men's secrets, desires, and ideas?

My first kiss was this year

My first kiss was this year. I was in my room with some of my friends. Us girls were talking about boys and make-up, stuff like that..
The boy were getting kind of annoyed so they started talking about girls. Soon we were talking about boyfriends and girlfriends. All my friends are about a year or two older than me so when I said I never had a boyfriend or first kiss they weren't surprised. So one of my close guy friends leaned over and kissed me!
I was so surprised and kind of embarrassed. Everyone started laughing and teasing me. But a couple days later he asked me out and now we're dating! LUV YA KAMAL!! - Rashayla, 13, Oakland, CA
I went on this music camp and me and my friends were all looking for guys, and one kept catching me and my friends eye. we nicknamed him "sexy emo guy" and were way too nervous to talk to him, but whenever we saw him we went crazy. One of my friends found out (a guy) and decided to go and tell "Sexy emo guy" i liked him. He of course had no idea who i was, and asked my friend to show him me.
I hid for the next hour, until we had to go to an activity. This was the only activity we ever did with another camp group, throughout the entire camp. I was hiding from him the whole time and i thought as long as he didnt know that i was me i'd be fine, it was all going well until in stuck in the mud i was the last person and my friend shouted out "run bree".
"sexy emo guy" instantly looked at me and my heart sank. He knew it was me that liked him. Then all his friends, and mine played the setting up game. At dinners my friends would sneak to his table and take photos of him, and his friends kept coming over to me saying "hi i'm his friend if you want to know anything ask me" and stuff. I was blushing 24/7, until some idiots, my friends, invited him to our table. That desert was the most awkward ever.
I really liked him though, and all his friends kept complaining they couldn't get him to sit with them anymore. We had the thing we had prepared for the whole camp the next night, we had 8 hours singing training and "Sexy emo guy" was always playing guitar, so we'd all trained hard for this night. It was in town hall in sydney. He had to catch a different bus and the whole day i was thinking of him. Then just before the concert i finally met up with him.
The other friend who had a crush on him had a fight with me, and we'd fallen out, so she told him not to get involved with me. However all his friends said she had no right to say that, and because of these huge fights me and him ended up walking around to get away from the drama. People tried to follow us so we went in an elevator, to the third floor. We were walking along the corridors, and he looked and me and said "i think you're rather pretty" i was blushing so badly, and i looked back and him and said "i think you're rather pretty too" :) we both laughed and by that time we'd reached the end of the corridor. We sat, with a view over the city out of the window ledge we were on.
We sat for a while and just talked about movies and life, and laughed about holes in the building & such, until there was a silence. I saw him leaning in and before i knew it we were kissing. All that i can remember running through my mind was "omg his tongues in my mouth omg i'm kissing him omg" :) we went from sitting down to standing up and he squeezed my butt. I accidentally bit his tongue and felt so embarrassed. We were kissing for about 15 minutes, when these girls ran up the stairs and the sound quickly drew us apart.
It was my friends and they apparently had been looking for us for an hour, calling our names on loud speaker and thought we'd been kidnapped. Apparently they knew i'd run off with "sexy emo guy" and had been outside the disabled toilet knocking on the door for ages. The whole concert i was grinning, and my friends wouldn't let me go back to him incase i disappeared again. At the end neither of us saw each other and went home, we've been going out on and off for the last year. - anonymous

My first kiss was when i was seven in a old tree house down by the lake. he looked into my eyes, told me i was 'beautiful, and the best thing that ever happened to him and how he would die for me' i fell in love at that moment. Now, nine years later, im 16 and were still crazy about each other. that day was the best day of my life, but every moment spent together just gets better and better. I love you Tyler. xoxo - anonymous
Independence. Men prefer independent women, because they do not want to play the role of a nanny. Of course, all women like to cry on your shoulder, and a husband must support his wife in hour of need, but everyday sobbing is tiresome. Men feel more comfortable next to an emotionally and financially independent woman.

For Him- For Her

For Him
Will she be able to tell I'm inexperienced?

Not at all. Because everybody kisses differently and everyone has their own style of kissing. So she'll never know unless you tell her yourself.

How do I approach her for that first Kiss?

For those of you who are really shy you can take the gentleman's approach. When your date is over, make sure the two of you are alone. Let's say that you're in front of her house, saying good-bye. Tell her what a great time you had with her. Then ask her nicely if it would be OK to kiss her good-bye. Using this approach takes the guess work out of who is going to make the first move and when.
For those of you who are bold and brave, the best approach is to just do it. It's the most romantic and will have a better lasting effect on her. So let's say again that you're in front of her house, saying good-bye after a date. Tell her what a great time you had with her and you want to see her again. Let her reply. Then take her hands in yours, or better yet take her face in your hands, and slowly move close to her and bring your lips gently on hers.

Is it OK to give her a French Kiss for the first kiss?

We wouldn't advise it, especially if she's nervous and maybe she's never kissed before. What we recommend is that you start off with a gentle close-mouthed kiss. If that goes well, then you can move into a French kiss, but it's not necessary. So don't feel pressured into giving her a French kiss.

How do you know when a girl wants to be French Kissed?

You won't know unless she uses her tongue first. The best way to approach a French kiss if she hasn't first is to kiss her. If her tongue doesn't enter your mouth to touch your tongue then just move your tongue between her lips until it touches hers.
For Her
Will he be able to tell I'm inexperienced?

Not at all. Because everybody kisses differently and everyone has their own style of kissing. So he'll never know unless you tell him yourself.

How can I kiss him without him being completely shocked and not ready for it?

Just tell him. The best time for a first kiss is when the two of you are saying good-bye. Make sure you are alone and just before you two part, let him know that you would like him to kiss you or that you would like a goodnight/good-bye kiss, etc. That way he won't be surprised and you will have made the first move.

Is it Ok for a girl to make the first move?

Most certainly! When the two of you are walking just go ahead and take his hand. Look at him sweetly when you do this to check his reaction. Then, when you are ready to say good-bye just go ahead and give him a kiss.

What does a guy want when kissing?

Every guy expects something different when they kiss. That is because every guy is an individual and each guy has his own likes and dislikes when it comes to kissing. It usually takes a few times kissing with one person before the two of you know how the other person kisses and what they enjoy. You can't tell after only one kiss. Everybody kisses differently.

How do I tell my boyfriend that he is a sloppy kisser?

If you don't tell him how else is he going to know? When the two of you are together and NOT kissing, sit him down and talk to him nicely. Tell him that you really like kissing with him but that you find it a bit wet. Tell him that it is OK to swallow while kissing but that you just wanted him to know this in case he didn't know it.
How can I tell if he's ready to kiss me?

The best way to tell if a guy is ready to kiss is by the way he acts around you. If he looks at you when he's talking, if you catch him gazing at you, if he acts affectionately around you by holding your hand or holding you close, then it's pretty sure that he's ready to kiss.

A woman became the one she was meant to be – a pretty girl, who was singing because of pleasure, easily handling all her work, and everything was within her depth. And why is that so? You know the answer: someone loves her and she knows that. To know that we are an important part of our men’s lives and that they love us is our true inspiration! Create a favorable atmosphere of love and peace in your home.


*Even though girls can use most of these pickup lines too (with a feminine touch), my approach here is more a masculine one. It's just that pickup lines are, usually, not written/created for girls/women.
But hey, don't let usage/stupid convention (border-line misogynic if you ask me) stop you.
I'd really like my pickup lines to be used by girls. If some decide to do so, please contact us to tell us how it went.
Original, fresh and hot pickup lines related to French kissing. How to approach, how to attract and how to seduce girls with these sexy tongue kissing pickup lines? Read on.
French Kissing Pickup Lines - How to pickup girls with great sensual openers.
Add some novelty, passion and fun to your pickup lines (aka PUA - Pickup Artist - openers) and create immediate attraction.

First a definition of a pickup line.

Pickup line definition: What we call a pickup line is a sentence or word (Hi is sometimes considered as a pickup line) used to break the ice with a person you want to attract and intend to seduce. The best option is, obviously, a pickup line which isn’t dull nor dumb and that will interest your target in some way. It’s better if it’s original and induce a discussion by inciting the target to answer. A great pickup line is fun and one which formulation or very nature already create attraction and/or (sexual) tension.

A French kissing pickup line is a pickup line which topic is French kissing.

Bearing this in mind, you want to know how to approach, attract and seduce girls with tongue kissing pickup lines, right?
Well it’s easy. A good French kissing pickup line is playful, teasing, provocative, sexy and allow you to start the interaction straight on the seduction level.
So, what better way to approach, seduce girls than a pickup line related to French kissing which will immediately send the subconscious/implicit message you mean business.

Simply speaking or asking questions about French kissing will get any guy or girl to picture her/himself hot kissing or being French kissed. And what kind of emotions you feel while thinking of a tongue kiss?.. Exactly… Desire, passion, pleasure, romanticism, eroticism and even sex.
So, right of the bat, you subliminally encourage your ‘target’ to think about all these exciting feelings and experiences. Add that to the fact YOU are the one inducing these positive emotions and you’ll understand why she/he will subconsciously connect these (hot kissing) feelings with you. This is a common NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and hypnosis-like tactics

For more great and powerful similar . Once you purchase this e-book, you'll learn the Deep Psychological Secrets to getting women sexually aroused and you won't be able to stop reading (and reading it again). At least, that's what I did.
Coming to the toping at hand: That’s definitely the kind of emotions and state of mind you want the girl you intend to pickup/seduce to feel/be in.

The tongue kissing pickup lines I present here fulfill perfectly these requirements.
Test them, you’ll see that they really can help you approach and attract girls. Though it’s up to you to get the conversation going and make it interesting, lively and teasing enough for you to charm her.
Don’t forget to ALWAYS SMILE, BE FUN, POSITIVE AND TEASING (even for the pickup line/routine #8).

French kissing Pickup line #1:
How much do (would) you like to be French kissed?
Or, even more simple: Do you like to be French kissed?

French kissing Pickup line #2:
Have you ever been French kissed? Do you like it?

Or: Would you like to be French kissed? No, I don’t mean right now. Or do I? Smile.
She keeps you under complete control. If a woman tries to keep you under complete control, forbidding to meet friends, for example, to play football, it will be hard to build normal relationship, because, you will always take offence at her. A woman must understand that women and men are different in nature and have different interests. For example, it won’t come to your mind to forbid her meeting her friends.

Kissing Books

Kissing Books

Who Else Wants to Know How to Kiss, How to French Kiss, or How to Deliver an Unforgettable First Kiss?

Discover Guaranteed Secrets That Will Make You the Best Kisser They've Ever Kissed!!
... And Put an End to the Stress and Anxiety of Not Knowing What To Do When It Comes to Being a Fantastic Kisser!

"Get Step-by-Step PROVEN Kissing Techniques That Will Give You a Reputation for Being a Wonderful Kisser and Make Your Partner Beg For More!!"
Who doesn't love a great kiss? Every kiss is a cause for celebration, and this book gets the lip-locking party started.
- Tips and exercises for a "kissing makeover"
- Favorite (and least favorite) ways to pucker up
- True stories of first, best, worst, most unusual, and just plain unforgettable kisses
- The most famous movie kisses, as well as great kisses from literature, art, and history
- Kissing customs around the globe
- Fun kissing games and new techniques
- A candid kissing survey to fill out and share

Lovers everywhere will want to get their hands on this book-and each other!

The World-famous kissing coach answers all your burning questions on the romantic art of that his first book, The Art of Kissing, is an international best-seller, kissing expert William Cane receives thousands of questions every year on the subject of how to kiss--everything from "What's the best way to kiss someone for the first time?" to "How do I know if I'm doing it right?" to "What if my tongue is too short?" The result, eagerly awaited by kissing connoisseurs around the world, is The Art of Kissing Book of Questions and AnswersHere, everyone who loves to pucker up will find expert advice on: improving your technique, mastering the French kiss, the neck kiss and other favorites.

Perfecting the most unusual, exciting, and romantic kisses, discovering what your kissing partner really wants--and exceeding their wildest fantasies, overcoming the shyness and fear of initiating that all-important first kiss, trying out popular kisses from around the world, including ten new kisses and more.Lovers everywhere will savor this playful guide to life's sweetest pleasure. So pucker up!

From Lord Byron's "first kiss of love" to Kevin Costner's "long slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last for three days, " The Book of Kisses contains the most charming, witty and memorable quips to cross the lips of such famous and infamous kissers as Bette Davis, Elizabeth Taylor, Madonna, Boris Yeltsin, Walter Cronkite, and hundreds of others.The quotes cover first kisses (Errol Flynn, Elizabeth Barrett Browning) funny kisses (Jay Leno, Minnie Pearl), sensual kisses, romantic kisses, literary kisses, celebrity and movie-star kisses (Burt Reynolds, Kim Basinger), kissing definitions (Ingrid Bergman, Mickey Spillane), kissing proverbs, kissing advice and techniques (William Shakespeare, Louis Armstrong, Ronald Reagan), and kissing quotes from around the world.

Who could forget legendary celluloid smooches like Marilyn Monroe and Tony Curtis's kiss in Some Like It Hot or Woody Allen and Diane Keaton's first kiss in Annie Hall? Or the first time F. Scott Fitzgerald's Gatsby kisses his beloved Daisy: "at his lips' touch she blossomed for him like a flower"?From Earnest Hemmingway to Spike Lee, from Napoleon and Josephine to Ryan O'Neal and Farrah Fawcett, The Book of Kisses provides plenty of pucker power and passionate inspiration for anyone searching for words to describe that elusive, soul-touching thrill of the perfect kiss.
Enduring a terrible kiss can be more than just unpleasant. It can add tension to intimate moments, or worse, end a great romance before it even starts. After personally saving a relationship by teaching her partner how to kiss, Cherie Byrd transformed the experience into her successful Kissing School! program, in which hundreds of couples from around the world have since participated. Kissing School distills the workshop's most useful teachings, and quickly ushers readers beyond quick pecks and "Can you feel my tongue?" action to enter a realm of soul-stirring, heart-lifting, body-shaking kissing. Seven in-depth lessons cover every aspect of technique and style without neglecting the spiritual and emotional aspects of the kissing experience.

Homework assignments and other lively sidebars are included, as well as thoughtful pearls of wisdom from Byrd's Tantric and Taoist studies.
We women can endure and we do endure and accept our fate as is. But believe me, the time of revenge will come and blood will be spilled! Your nerves will be eaten away and you will be given your due for your silence! Then it will be too late to wring hands and tear your hair out, asking “What have I done? Why has she got so furious?”.
What is your kissing IQ? How do you feel about kissing? Do you need to improve your kissing skills? Every one of the 201 poems in this book relate to some aspect of kissing and being kissed. You and that special person in your life owe it to your relationship to read and share this book. It will inspire and create new opportunities to share your own Kisses of Fire. Even if you are not in a relationship right now, this book is a must on your reading list. It will romance your heart and make you want to go out and kiss somebody.

Men, who expect women to admire, obey and adore them without receiving any emotions in return, are fools. Sooner or later the wave of reproaches will catch you.

French kissing Pickup line

French kissing Pickup line #4:
It’s ok… I’m not gonna try to kiss you… I’m gonna French kiss you.

This is a statement you can make after having approached her. When you feel the vibe is good but she’s still on the fence. It must be said in a funny and joking way but it gives her food for thought and make her think about hot kissing you. This becomes a possibility in her mind. And it may be a pleasant one since you clearly imply you’ll French kiss her (if and when you do kiss her).
French kissing Pickup line #5:
If a guy, when he first kisses you, does it with a French kiss (if he does it well, of course), what do you think of him? Say, comparing with another guy who simply kisses you?
Again, you’re implicitly saying that your first kiss will be a French kiss. Which is a prospect, need I remind you, potentially a lot more appealing than a dull/mediocre ‘normal’ kiss. And it’s another open question.

You’ll also be able to keep the interaction alive using part of her/his answer as discussion topics.
How to approach girls - How to attract girls - How to seduce women with French kissing pickup lines
French kissing Pickup line #6:
How do you like to be French kissed? You know there are different techniques and methods, right?

Here you can play the expert and exploit the knowledge/theory you’ve learned here or extracted from great French Kissing e-Books to your advantage. You’ll convey the message that you really know how to tongue kiss and suggest to her, implicitly, that you are a good French kisser because you‘re knowledgeable. Who doesn’t like some good hot kissing action?
French kissing Pickup line #7:
Are you a kiss or French kiss kind of girl?
Variant: I’m sure you’re the hot kissing type of girl. I’m right, aren’t I?

You: Nowadays, girls still don’t know how to decently French kiss. It’s depressing. I met a girl yesterday, she didn’t have a clue about tongue kissing… I had to tell her it would be best if we just stayed friends.

Am I the only one thinking girls seriously need some hot kissing lessons? What do you think? Did it happen to you? Or: What about guys? Do they know how to French kiss?
Her/him: ____________ (Whatever she says)

You: What about you? Do you think you know how to French kiss?
Her/him: ____________ (Whatever she says)

You: If someone doesn’t know how to French kiss, or do it poorly, you know what it means, right?

You can even link French kissing to sex (and you if you do a good job) because you’ll develop the theory (which is a real one) that someone makes love as (good or bad as) she/he French kisses. How can someone be good in bed if he can’t tongue kiss good?
Therefore, within a few sentences, you’ll already be speaking with her about sex. That’s the kind of stuff some people needs 3 dates for…
And it’ll seem natural since the way you get to the subject won’t be perceived as insulting nor inappropriate.
French kissing Pickup line #9:
You’ve got lips made for French kissing… Show me your tongue.
She shows you her tongue but barely or just sticking it out with no sensuality.
She doesn’t reproach you. Many women are sure that their reproaches can make men to do something, but clever woman always knows when to keep silent. For example, there is no sense in reproaching you for leaving socks in the middle of a room or for forgetting to wash the dishes. But you should be careful with keeping silence, too. Here is a simple example: you live together, you haven’t spent night at home for some reason and have forgotten to call her, but she doesn’t even think to reproach you and ask questions. It is suspicious and looks like she doesn’t care about you.
That wasn’t sensual at all. Come on, I’m sure you can do better than that.

She executes herself and give you the curled tongue (very sexy when they put their tongue out of their mouth, curling it up and touching their superior lips.Yeah…You’ve definitely got the tongue too… As well as the right attitude.

Variant1: You’ve got lips made for French kissing… I’m not kidding… And I’m sure you’ve got the tongue too. And begin to interact/discuss with her.

Variant2: You’ve got lips made for French kissing… But have you got the tongue? Don’t show me now. We’ll see later about that. And begin to interact/discuss with her.French Kissing pickup lines - how to approach girls -

how to attract girls - how to seduce women 2

Here, do not make the ‘show me your tongue’ line sound like a command. Smile but show you want her to execute herself. Your body language and tone of voice must convey that you’re expecting her to do it but in a daring or teasing way.
This kind of pickup lines can be used in a club, party and any kind of festive environment. It’s not recommended if you want to approach a girl in the street. But even in the most awkward situation it can work.

It depends on your skills, the mood your ‘target’ is in or her personality.

French kissing Pickup line #10:
Who are the best French kissers, men or women/girls?

Another open question. This kind of opener works best within a group of people. Very useful when you’re interested in a girl who‘s not alone and you still need something to approach her.
Do not direct your question to her. At first, ask it to the group and interact with her step by step. You need to be accepted by the group first.

Well, that’s it. I hope these pickup lines will indeed give you some ideas and help you approach, attract and seduce girls.

Today I had my first kiss

Intelligence. Men try to find women, who are not boring and can surprise a man, help him to be in a good form. Men need women, with whom they can speak about interesting, excluding fashionable shops, sales, clothes and glamour.

Today I had my first kiss with the sweetest guy ever! I have been going out with Ray for almost three months now and today was the last day of school. He kissed me on the cheek in front of almost all my friends and it was amazing! - Anonymous, 12 years old, Newburgh, New York
ok my first kiss was horribal and to all of the girls that are on here looking at these storys because u are nervus and u want to see how people got their first kiss....ITS NOT A BIG DEAL. i was exactely like u but afterward ur gong to think..."is that what i have been waiting for for so long?"
well anyways time to go one with the story ok i was at my my best friend andrea's house and me, her, and tessa were at the pool. our guy friends francis and jasiah called and wanted to hangout so we did. they drived to andrea's house and we watched them skate for a while. well anyways before they left me and tessa were at the pool, but andrea was outside the pooling hanging out with them.

well anyways idk what happened but then andrea almost got her first kiss with francis and she gave francis and jasiah a kiss on the anyways we got to a place in like the middle of a coldasack and we started. the dares we retarted then because idk i guess we were all nervus so like everyone like just started kissing each other on the checks and getting kissed on their checks. but anyways so then andrea's mom called and she said that she had to go home. so we walked to her house then her mom said it was ok if they came inside so we let them.
we whent down in the basment and played it again because jasiah kept on freaking insisting that we do. so ok then tessa dared me to kiss jasiah on the lips.

YA MY FIRST KISS!!! ok jasiah is pretty ugly so i was just like eww but then i didn't want to seem prude so i did it! it was like a half a second peck. BOOM there u go my first kiss.
i thought the guy was a ugly pervert and i got my first kiss with him.
so then i i dared my friend andrea to kiss him because he likes her and there we go bOOM her first kiss with a perv. that she didn't like.i was waiting 13 years for that and i got it with someone who's face make's me feel like im going to freakin throw up. ya. but the only good thing was when they had to leave i gave everyone hugs and when i gave francis a hug he kiss me on the lips :D

it was a peck but i used to like him and i thought he was hott so that mad me somwhat happy about the situation lol. but all the stress and all the worry and crap me and andrea worried about was soo not worth it.
so all u girls out there who r freaking out dont cause its natural and everything will be ok. lol. and one tip enless u know like for a fact that u r going to kiss the guy u like in like a kissing game dont do it espacally on a first kiss. u might end up like me kissing a guy u think is discuating as ur first. and its ur first forever and u cant ever change it so just trust me and do it with ur boyfriend or someone u really care about. lol - anonymous

It was the last school dance, well actually the last dance for 7'th and 8'th graders. I was there with my first girlfriend Shanee who I love more than anything and I was constantly telling myself, 'Okay, now remember you are GOING to kiss her tonight!' Neither of us had ever kissed anyone before but I was sure that she would love me enough to kiss me.
I was talking to my best friend Billy, who tried to have a relationship with her the previous year but he was to forward about it so she refused him, and he told me that there was no way she would kiss me. That did make me a little more nervous but I was able to put it out of my head.
At about 9:10 the song I was waiting for finally started playing. It was 'My Heart will go on.' from the movie Titanic. Anyway, we started slow dancing and we were just talking about nothing important and then I said, 'You know what Shanee? Those girls in your elementary school were wrong. You really are beautiful.' Then she hugged me and when she stopped I held her chin and tilted her head up to look at me and then I kissed her. No one can ever tell you how a first kiss feels because it is so wonderful that you have to experience it for yourself and even then you can't describe it, I will never forget that night. We are still a couple and have no intention of ever splitting up. - Sam, 13, Groveland, MA

Ok, this was my 2nd bf, but my 1st 'real' bf. ya know, the 1st guy 2 actually treat me like hiz girl...we were chilling in his room, playing Guitar Hero II (yea, im a video-game girl!! lol), and in between songs he gradually got closer and closer to me on his bed, where we were sitting at.

I knew that he wanted to kiss me, because a few days before he wanted to kiss me just after midnight at my New Years Eve party. But since there were a lot of ppl at the party, he decided to wait...well i had to go home, and just before we walked out of his room he turned to me, mumbled something, put my hair behind my ear (its usually covering my face a lil), moved his hair (yea, he has LONG hair), and gave me a few small pecks. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of his room and into the main room of his basement.

I told him 'i love you', he said 'i love you to babe', and he walked me home...i wanna laugh thinking back, b/c i KNOW i waz a terrible kisser then! teehee!! he knew it was my 1st tho, and i knew he was WAY more experienced than me...he kissed me again about 5 min later when we said good-bye at my house, and it already felt more natural!! Sadly, i broke up w/ him 3 weeks ago 2day b/c he was fooling around w/ another girl....*tear*. But we still talk, and may get back together in the future... =] - Anonymous, Age 14, Indiana

How to win the heart of a woman- How to tongue kiss

How to French Kiss. How to tongue kiss. Avoid rookie mistakes that can ruin it all. Basic French kissing tips you absolutely need to know before tongue kissing someone.

Don't forget to have a look to our French Kissing e-Books Section... That is, if you really want to become a great French kisser.

Before to even try to learn how to French kiss someone you need to know basic French kissing tips in order to make sure you’re well prepared to French Kiss girls or that you won’t forget something before you try tongue kissing a guy.
You don’t want to make rookie mistakes which would ruin a potentially great tongue kissing experience... Or a promising relationship altogether.
Some of these French kissing tips are pertinent for kissing as well but most of them are exclusively about French kissing since it‘s done with an open mouth, with your tongue and because that‘s not the type of kiss that comes the most naturally… At first.

- How to tongue kiss - Basic French kissing Tip #1: Freshen up your breath.

This is a necessity for a simple kiss as well but even more so for a French Kiss.
As you’re gonna open your mouth and use your tongue, you clearly don’t want to have a smelly mouth. It would be unacceptable.
9 out of 10 persons would refuse to (French) kiss someone with a dirty mouth or a foul breath.
So, you need a good oral hygiene. Also, if you know you’re gonna tongue kiss your partner, try to avoid stuff like onions, garlic, milk, spicy food, smoking, alcohol...
It would be a shame to transform a potentially very pleasant moment in an awful one because of a dirty mouth and/or a foul breath.
In any case, and to avert this eventuality in the first place, always pack some candies or gums with you if you think there’s a chance (even a slight one) you will French kiss someone. It’s the least you can do. Get rid of it before the kiss to avoid any risk of discomfort or suffocation.

- How to tongue kiss
- Basic French kissing Tip #2: Relax.

If you read through these pages, you’ll learn a lot of info, tips and techniques to prepare you to be a very good French Kisser. So, no need to panic. Knowledge will lessen any fear you could have.How to tongue kiss - Basic French kissing tips - Relax
You don’t have to think too much about your tongue kissing technique before the act. It’ll come naturally and quite easily because you’ll have integrated most of the French kissing tips you read on our website.
If it takes more time than you‘d like, don’t forget that you need practice so don’t be too harsh on yourself. You shouldn’t beat yourself up for not making a perfect French Kiss since there is no such thing. You’ll always improve as long as you’ll maintain a positive mind and keep on practicing. So, consider the essential and most important points about French kissing (Though don’t try to do too much at first. Use a step by step approach.) and allow yourself to enjoy the moment. That’s the most sure way to make it a hit.

- How to tongue kiss - Basic French kissing Tip #3: Moisten your lips.

Dry lips are not agreeable to feel, nor to make use of, for a kiss. So, slightly moisten them by adding some saliva with your tongue before French kissing someone. If you’re chewing on a gum or a candy, by licking your lips you’ll add some flavor on them. You’ll enhance your partner’s French Kissing experience, making it an even more tasty and pleasurable one. You can also apply moisturizing lip balm but be careful about its taste and smell.
For girls: Before to French Kiss a guy, better to let your lipstick dry cause it can quickly become very messy. I think you know it already but I mention it nonetheless, just to be on the safe side.

Kissing Advice

Kissing Advice

My boyfriend has a long tongue and he sticks it all the way down my throat. What should I do?

Tell him honestly that you would prefer to be kissed with less tongue. That you enjoy the feel of the tip of the tongue. Otherwise, if you don't tell him how will he know? Tell him that you also want some variety and that you found some different types of kisses at my site and would like to try them out.

I feel like when I am kissing my boyfriend that I breathe too loud on his cheek. Is that normal?


I'm afraid to kiss my boyfriend because my nose is too big, and it might get in the way and that would be embarrassing. What should I do?

You shouldn't worry about it. Your nose won't get in the way because your heads will be slightly tilted so that the noses won't bump straight on. And even people who have small noses bump occasionally so don't sweat it. Just enjoy it!

I'm a teenager and I haven't been kissed. I have a little sister who is 12 and is already kissing. I am worried about her. Is that the right age to be kissing at?

I think that is pretty young to be kissing, but it seems that these days they're starting younger and younger. Don't compare your inexperience with your sister's experience. Everybody has their first experience at different ages in their lives. I've even had people in their 20's tell me they haven't kissed before. So you're not alone in thinking that you should have kissed by now. There is no age when you should be experiencing your first kiss. When you meet someone right for you who you really care about and who cares about you, that is when you should be having your first kiss. So don't worry. It will happen. And chances are your little sister isn't telling you the whole truth, either.
It is also important HOW you tell these pleasant words. Intonation, context and prior conversation – everything matters! You just need to practice a bit and you will succeed! And believe me that your woman will be grateful to you!