Non-verbal cues such as body language, vocal tonality, facial expressions, etc. are the strongest factors of in-person communication. That being said, it is important to use emoticons, acronyms and initialisms to set the mood you are trying to communicate.
So you’ve got her number. Well done. But now are you wondering what you should text her?
Lots of guys will spend hours thinking about sending the first text, wracking their brains for the “perfect” thing to send her…
and then the best they come up with is “hey, what’s up?”
We’ve got a better way to start off the conversation.
My first kiss was amazing and I will never forget it. I was in Minnesota visiting my cousins and I found out that my cousin Grace, who is 15, had this 14 year old friend named Zach who was apparently really hot. Well, we (me, Grace, my 13 year old cousin Nina, and my 14 year old cousin Madison) took a bike ride over to his house and talked. (By the way- he was really hot!
I mean great abs!) He later called my cousin and told her he thought I was hot and that he wanted to see me again.We told him I was only 12 and he was like "That's OK". So, we took another bike ride to his house. The next day, he left for camp for a week. The day he came back, my cousin Madison (who lives in Colorado) reminded us that she never kissed a guy in Minnesota (She wanted to be able to tell her friends that she kissed someone in MN.
It wouldn't have been her first kiss or anything.)So, Grace said she'd call Zach (since he is her only guy-friend within biking distance). Then, Grace asked me if I wanted to kiss him too and I reminded her that I'd never kissed anyone before. She told me that it was OK- he wouldn't care. So, since I did kind of like Zach I said yes. He agreed to kiss both of us, and so we went on a bike ride over to his house. Well, all of us except Madison. She had gotten in trouble that day and couldn't go. Grace asked me if I stilled wanted to do it and I said yes. When we got to his house, he was like "Where's Madison" and we told him. He was like "oh well. Rachel's the one I really wanted to kiss anyway.
I walked over to him and he leaned in and kissed me. I was just 2 seconds, but that's OK with me. It was really romantic too, despite the fact that my cousins Grace and Nina were watching us. Oh, and just as I got back on my bike, it started raining! We had to ride all the way back with a thunderstorm going on but I barely noticed because I was so happy!!!!! - Rachel, 12, VA
I've heard from many people and books that 12 is the best age to get your first kiss. I really don't know why that is, but I got mine when I was 12, and it was amazing!
I was at a New Year's party with my former boyfriend, this was over Christmas break so I didn't see my boyfriend for over a week and I missed him terribly. He came later into the party and when he came, we hugged for a long time on the couch saying how much we missed each other. A girl I met there became really good friends with me and we talked the whole time, basically. She kept saying how me and my boyfriend should kiss when the ball came down at midnight. I was really nervous about it!! So it was midnight and everyone yelled, "Happy New Year!" I hugged my boyfriend and my friend said, "You didn't kiss!!!"
I looked at my boyfriend, but my friend pushed my head into his and I got a gash on my forehead. XDD She said, "Fine I'll leave you two alone." I looked at him again, and he sorta nodded. The next thing I knew, I leaned in and gave him a wimpy kiss. It lasted a millisecond, but during that millisecond, there were crazy fireworks that went off, boom boom boom! I'll never forget Jan. 1, 2008- Even if we are broken up now. - Nicole, 13, Pennsylvania