Secrets to Creating Pickup Lines for Online Dating

You would be wise to have a few pickup lines for online dating before you sign up with any given service, as this can help you to break the ice and gain the interest of women that likely have many other online suitors pursuing them intently. Three basic styles exist when it comes to pick up lines for online dating. Select the style that works best for you and then work hard to perfect your personalized pick up lines over time.

With the Internet getting to be the prime place to find women, the face of dating has forever changed. Online dating now provides busy guys a place to meet women when you want, where you want. It seems convenient, until you realize that it’s a whole different ballgame than walking up to a girl and trying to get her number in the real world.

Well There was this girl and I always thought she never noticed me it was two days before the big danceand she hadjust broken up with her BoyFriend and I was thinking well this is my chance.

I decided not to ask her to the dance just because.Anway come the night before the dance I was walking home with a group of friends and she was to behind us well as were walking both groups get smaller till it's just us and I said hey she said hey back And I asked her are you going to the dance she said Maybe havent really thought about it I said well maybeIf you want we can go you know just as friends she said I'd like that I said cool.....*At The Dance*.......We where just talking about stuff outside behind the school and she started telling me that she like me for a long time I told her the same It started to rain so we went under this huge tree It got quite then we looked at each other she leaned inand whispered in my ear I've always noticed you then we kissed into the night.comebout ten minutes later a security guard tells us to go home so we walk home she says maybe we can uhh hang out tomorrow and I said ya...We never really talked about the kiss but no one else know bout it but us. - Kyle M., Las Vegas, Nevada

Forward women

If you think that a woman is beautiful and you are feeling brave, you may choose to go with pickup lines for online dating that are forward and direct. Simply begin your interaction by telling the woman that you think she is beautiful. Keep it clean, as women love compliments that do not come off as sleazy. If you are sincere and confident with your compliments, most women are likely to respond favorably to your advances.

Now that you have learned some key secrets to creating online dating pickup lines, it is time to translate your knowledge into action. Get out there and try each of these three styles on various women in online settings, in order to find out which works best for you. Act now, not later.
My first kiss was unforgettable. My boyfriend had come over to my house to hang out like he always does and we were just doing random things like talking, playing video games, and watching a movie. We were cuddling on the couch while we watched the movie, and we always joke around about kisses and things. We got really close once that night to kissing, but my little brother walked in and told me that my dad said it was time for my boyfriend to go home because it was getting pretty late. So, we dropped him off at his house and I walked him up to his door, hugged him really tight, and we told each other, "I love you."

Then he kissed me on the cheek like usual. We were basically alone because his parents were inside and my dad was in the car waiting for me, and he couldn't see us. I said, "Ugh..I wish you didn't have to go..." He said, "I know me either...but I will talk to you tomorrow!" So we smiled and then we looked right in each other's eyes, and he leaned in and kissed me right on the lips! It was so unexpected that I didn't know what to do, so I closed my eyes and went along with it and we held it there for a couple seconds. When we stopped he smiled and said, "So, I'll talk to you in a bit?" I said, " a bit..." We smiled and I left. Every time I think about it, I get a tingling feeling on my lips and butterflies in my stomach. ^_^ We're still going out and I'll never forget him or that moment. - Lex, 13, USA

Most online dating,,,

Most online dating sites and social networking forums allow their users to create an online profile that outlines their basic interests, goals and societal concerns. One of the best ways to come up with pickup lines for online dating is by scanning each of these profiles before beginning a conversation with any given lady. The point is to come up with a thoughtful question about the information they have provided, in order to get the ice melted and the conversational ball rolling.
Women appreciate men who are genuinely interested in what they think and feel. Therefore, if you can come up with a thoughtful comment or question to begin your online interaction with a woman, you will be way ahead of the pack in terms of winning her affection.
I was 19 before I ever had my first kiss. People told me I was nuts to hold out so long. But to me...a kiss is important. When I was nineteen I had just started seeing a guy that I was falling in love with very fast. We met and spent every day from our first date out together for weeks. He knew that I had never kissed anyone before, not because I didn't want to, or didn't have the chance, or even that I was scared...but I was waiting...for when I knew it was right. He was gentleman enough to never make me feel pressured to do anything that I wasn't comfortable with. After spending a few weeks with this guy, I was leaving his house a few days before Christmas and he was walking me to my car. It was the most beautiful evening and we were standing in his driveway, bundled in coats and scarves with the cold making me hop up and down to stay warm. My mind was carrying on a conversation with itself. " know you want to kiss him, and it will be okay....this is the guy you should share this with." Before I even knew what was happening, I was reaching for his face...and he stopped me! He said "victoria! What are you doing?!" I said "Ben, I'm kissing you!" he says "are you sure? Is this what you want?" I knew it was, and he realized it....and then he reached for my face and kissed me like every girl always dreams of being kissed....swept off her feet, kissed with gentleness and passion....
Ben was my first kiss, my most memorable kisser and still the person that I love down to my core even though we are states away. Waiting for the right time and the person I truly loved was totally worth it. - Victoria, Wilmington NC, 21 years old

With the Internet getting,,,

With the Internet getting to be the prime place to find women, the face of dating has forever changed. Online dating now provides busy guys a place to meet women when you want, where you want. It seems convenient, until you realize that it’s a whole different ballgame than walking up to a girl and trying to get her number in the real world.
You would be wise to have a few pickup lines for online dating before you sign up with any given service, as this can help you to break the ice and gain the interest of women that likely have many other online suitors pursuing them intently. Three basic styles exist when it comes to pick up lines for online dating. Select the style that works best for you and then work hard to perfect your personalized pick up lines over time.
My first kiss was the summer after 6th grade(yea i kno right early). i was at one of my best friends house and this guy that i had had a crush on for like a long time was there. when my friend left the room i was alone with my crush and we started playing this game that we just lind of made up. torwards the end of the game i was laying on top of him and he came up and i went down. we kissed and it was awesome but then we both just felt kinda awkward because we werent expecting it but now he has a girlfriend and barely ever even talkes to me. but we both still remember that day perfectly because that was when i had my first kiss. - Anonymous, 13

If you’re lucky women..

If you’re lucky enough to have an IKEA near you, stop in a few times a month. Sure, it’s a furniture store – but it’s also a place where people hang out and interact. Besides, it has a cafe, a restaurant and a snack bar. In no time flat, you’ll have collected plenty of phone numbers.
You’re not going to meet new women by sitting at home every day and every night. Keep this list of where to pick up women in mind and get into the habit of frequenting these places. Get out there and take charge of your dating destiny today!

I'm 13 years old and my first kiss was with my neighbor. He moved in about 4 years ago but we started going out in like January of 07. We were always good friends but one night on the Internet he started to flirt with me. And it ended up with us going out. We always talked about kissing but always kinda chickened out when we saw each other in person.

The one night it was kind of cold and we were sitting together on my back deck alone and it was really silent. Then he kissed me on the lips and it was like amazingly awesome. but after like 6 months of us going out we broke up. =[ we are still good friends but whenever things come up about us and how we went out with each other he always claims the he regrets it. but I know he doesn't. - Geena

If physical fitness!

If physical fitness isn’t a top priority of yours, there’s never been a better time to change that. Sign up for a gym membership; the huge number of hot women who you’ll see at the gym will keep you coming back again and again. You’ll get into phenomenal shape and get to hang out with stunning women.
Whether you live in a big city, a suburb or even a rural area, there should be a relatively high-end grocery store somewhere nearby. Find it and hit it up on a regular basis. Fancy grocery stores usually have coffee bars and other places where you can mingle with others – and many women zero in on grocery stores for meeting new men.
It’s nice having an easy conversation topic on hand when meeting women. Dogs are great for that, so adopt a pooch and become a regular at the local dog park. On the list of where to pick up women, this is a slam-dunk.

my first kiss was yesterday, with my boyfriend. we had pecked really quick. but then at the end of the day, i had kissed him on the cheek in front of the pick up area at our school. when i turned to go, he grabbed my hand, and said "how about a real kiss?" i go in for a closed mouth kiss, and he pushes his tongue into my mouth, and we start frenching! after about 15 seconds, we pulled away. i just said merry christmas and walked away with a huge grin. that night all my friends were instant messging me and saying things like "you and christian were going at it pretty hard at the south entrance today." i was soo embarrased. i was too into the moment to realize that half of my friends had probably been watching the entire thing! - Jessie, age 12, new york

Many women!

Many women hang out at the beach in order to meet new people. Get involved in beach volleyball or some other group activity; if your local beach has a snack bar, hang out there. Before you know it, you’ll run into plenty of worthwhile women.
Reading is about as wholesome of an activity as you can find. Educated women are sexy, and they often look for eligible bachelors at local bookstores. Get yourself a frequent readers card and get into the habit of hitting the bookshelves.
Giving back to the community is a great thing to do. It’s great for everyone – and comes with one great added bonus: It puts you in contact with plenty of eligible women. Women love a guy who gives back, and also are drawn to community activities themselves. Those women will automatically have great impressions of you, too, by virtue of the fact that you’re volunteering.

My first french kiss was with my boyfriend. we were in his house and we were acting retarded but we were having fun. then he said have you played a game that you suck on an orange and the most juice you squezze out of it with your mouth makes you a good kisser? and i was like no and then we went into the kitchen and he cut an orange and gave one to me. so then i finished and i said 'ha i win im a better kisser thatn you are and then he came closer o me and grabbed me by the waist and he whispered in my ear 'prove it' and then we started kissing and he pulled me up into the kitchen counter and we starte making out for like 10 min. he was so sweet about it. then he walked me to my house and he gave me a hug and told me that he really liked me. after that we made out again. i didnt get nervous at all and neither should you as long as you do it with the person that you really like- anonymous, 15 years

Where to Pick Up Women: Seven Surprising Places

If you were to ask most of your guy friends where to pick up women, most of them would probably tell you to hang out at the bar more often. After all, alcohol flows freely there – and alcohol lowers those pesky inhibitions. The truth is, though, that the bar really isn’t where to pick up women – at least not the decent ones. If you want a real shot at landing an attractive, interesting woman, there are plenty of better options; seven of them are outlined below.
- At The Beach
- During Volunteer Activities
- At the Bookstore
- At the Gym
- At the Dog Park
- At the Grocery Store

My frist kiss was on St.Patricks day 2006. I was at my best friends house for a week, and her friends where having a party so we went. Well, I will admit I spent most of the night over the toilet throwing up, but during that time Steve; the guy I liked at that time; was there and comforting me. He was really sweet, he had his arm around my waist and stayed close to comfort me! I was amazed at him for staying there while the others were partieing. After I finished throwing-up I turned and looked at him. It was my first kiss, and I really wanted to, so I leaned in and we started kissing... Well 'French Kissing'.

I happened to open my eyes and look over his shoulder to see the boy who owned the house looking in. I stopped the kiss, being well embarressed and yelled for him to get out. He ran downstairs telling people we were making out... It really fustrated me. Well to be honest I tried to kiss Steve the day or two before hand but he was to tall and I missed by just a bit. He was out of it so he really didn't notice. BUT the kiss was soo cute. I wont forget it. - anonymous, Canada, 15

The Jealous Girlfriend Opener

The easiest way to start a conversation is by asking a question about some sort of drama in your life. Women love answering questions about interpersonal relationships. Do you need to use canned openers to pick up? No, you don’t. But canned openers are really useful as a backup.

I love to open with spontaneous stuff whenever possible, but when I meet a really great girl, my mind has a bad tendancy of going blank. Seriously, the hotter the girl, the dumber the thing my brain wants to open her with. Thankfully, whenever I meet a woman of such quality that my brain turns to mush, I have a bunch of canned openers to fall back on.

My first kiss was with a boy that I had really liked for a looong time.

I went to a baseball game with him and one of my best friends and then her mom dropped me and the guy off at his house when it was over. ( I lived right across the street) He invited me to come talk with him for a while and we ended up laying in this really comfy hammock thing on his porch After a while it got really quiet and he just turned and kissed me. It was really spontaneous but sweet. We started making out then but I was a little uncomfortable cause it was my first time so I just put my head on his chest. I listened to his heart beat and I guess we both fell asleep. The next thing I knew my mom was standing there trying to wake me up. Surprisingly, she wasn't mad or anything though. So it was pretty great. We broke up because I moved but we're still great friends. - Anonymous, Virginia, age 14